Look at all of the chemical ick in there. No thanks!
While much research is needed to learn the specifics of these various compounds, this moisturizer, like most, consists of a small amount of natural ingredients with large amounts of water, emulsifiers, penetration enhancers and preservatives.
What are the natural ingredients? Water and oat flour at least. Glycerin potentially. Glycerin is a wonderfully emollient by-product of soap making. However, many companies use diethylene glycol, a petroleum based chemical, to derive glycerin. There is no way to know for this product, since companies are not required by law to share this information.
Wondering about the potential toxicity of the remaining ingredients in this product? Check out the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep Cosmetics Database. The EWG even offers an excellent wallet size Shopper’s Guide to Safe Cosmetics.
Want to skip the additives and stick with a natural moisturizer?
Consider these 4 options:
(Note – some of the following links are affiliate links. If you make a purchase after clicking on them, I might make a commission- which keeps free info and recipes like this coming your way–thank you!)
1. Dry Skin Brushing
I rank this as number one when it comes to maintaining soft skin. It is simple, cheap, and effective. I began dry skin brushing initially to boost my lymphatic system and circulation. I was shocked by the skin softening effect. Never has my skin been softer. For more on the overall health benefits, as well as brushing methods, see my article, The Benefits of Dry Skin Brushing.
{Please note that there are affiliate and referral links in this post. If you click on them and make a purchase, I might make a commission. Your support is very much appreciated and helps keep this free resource up and running.}
2. Butters
Butters are plant based fatty oils. Generally found in solid form, these emollients include mango butter, cocoa butter, avocado butter, and shea butter. When purchased from a reliable supplier you can be assured that these are naturally derived with no additives. Butters offer add protection since they are not as easily absorbed as semi-fatty oils. Mountain Rose Herbs offers an excellent selection of butters.
3. Oils
Popular skin softening oils include olive oil, coconut oil, sesame oil, castor oil, sunflower oil, apricot kernel oil, as well as avocado oil. Look for organic, so as to ensure no chemicals are used during the extraction process.
Wondering about the difference between cold-pressed, expeller pressed, refined and unrefined? Mountain Rose Herbs offers an excellent explanation. Semi-fatty oils are more easily absorbed than butters. The amount of residue will vary depending on your skin type. Safflower oil is the driest of the oils and absorbed most rapidly.
{Note from Adrienne: Many say that coconut oil is comedogenic, which means it can cause breakouts. I suspect it depends on the person, but keep an eye on it if you choose to use a moisturizer including coconut oil on your face.}
4. Waxes
Beeswax and jojoba fall under this category.
Jojoba is generally purchased as an oil, but is technically a wax. It contains myristic acid which is similar in composition to human skin. Jojoba traps water inside the skin without clogging pores which makes it an excellent moisturizer for those with acne or inflamed skin conditions.
Beeswax is not absorbed by the skin but creates a nice layer of protection. It must be heated and therefore is often used in combination with oils and butters.
Would you like to create your own moisturizer uniquely suited to your skin? Consider a combination of the above ingredients.
Here is my favorite and simplest DIY moisturizer which combines shea butter with coconut oil.
Whipped Shea Butter Moisturizer
Yields 10 ounces
12 tablespoons (3/4 cup) plant butter. Any combination will work. I love refined shea butter. Unrefined shea butter is a bit grainy but dissipates as soon as it is applied to the skin.
4 tablespoons plant oil. I use a combination of coconut oil, jojoba oil, and plum kernel oil.
5-10 drops essential oil. I use roman chamomile. Carrot seed oil and lavender have skin nourishing properties as well.
1. Place shea butter and oil combination in mixing bowl.
2. Begin the whipping process. Stop when you have achieved desired consistency. This takes several minutes at least.
3. Add essential oil before distributing cream to containers.