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Sexual Health Information For Men


When an erection begins to happen, the male sexual organ fills with blood as vessels become enlarged to allow for increased blood flow. Erectile dysfunction, or otherwise know as impotence, can occur when the erection process is becomes interrupted. When an erection starts to take place, a series of events unfold, beginning with nerve impulses in the brain, and ending in the area surrounding the penis itself. As nerve impulses sent out by the brain begin to indicate sexual activity, the muscles, surrounding tissues, veins and arteries respond and an erection begins to form. However, if any of those signals are interrupted, it can result in a problem attaining a normal erection and erectile dysfunction occurs.

Sometimes impotence can be caused by complications from a disease, such as diabetes, kidney disease, multiple sclerosis, vascular disease, chronic alcoholism, or a neurological disease. Other possible causes of erectile dysfunction include surgery, such as radical prostate or bladder surgery for treatment of cancer. If any tissues, glands, or blood vessels that surround the penis were injured during surgery, problems with impotency could result. If an Injury to the penis, spinal cord, prostate, bladder and pelvis occurs, this can lead to impotency by damaging nerve endings, muscles, arteries and fibrous tissues in and around the penis area.

Another frequent cause of male erectile dysfunction are problems associated with prescription drug users. Blood pressure medication, antidepressants, antihistamines, tranquilizers and other prescribed medications can produce impotency in men of all ages. However in other instances, the causes may be caused from a range of psychological factors including but not limited to: stress, anxiety, guilt, depression, low self-esteem, and fear of being unable to perform sexually.

Male erectile dysfunction may also be caused by problems associated with the prostate gland, including enlargement of the prostate, infection of the gland itself, or cancer of the prostate. Annually, more than two million American males are diagnosed with a condition called prostatitis, which is also called “inflammation of the prostate.” Sometimes males diagnosed with prostatitis have signs of a bacterial infection found in prostate gland. Medical practitioners call this condition bacterial prostatitis. In approximately 90 to 95 percent of men afflicted with prostatitis there are no clear signs of an infection. This condition is called chronic pelvic pain syndrome, and it refers to a nonbacterial prostatitis. Men suffering from prostate problems can at times have trouble getting and maintaining a normal erection.

If a male begins to feel as though he is becoming sexually aroused, but is experiencing the inability to have an erection, or if he is able to attain an erection, but cannot successfully engage in sexual intercourse, he is displaying one of the most common symptoms of erectile dysfunction or impotence. In the common case that these symptoms occur infrequently, there is no cause to be alarmed. If these symptoms become more frequent, then medical advice should be sought.

If you are one of the many men suffering from impotence or erectile dysfunction, and are interested in increasing your sexual performance, Viamax for Men allows for increased blood flow and longer lasting erections. Viamax for Men is an all natural solution to naturally occurring problems. For more information, or to purchase this product please visit our website.

Source by Steve A Johnson

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