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How to Live Over 200 Years: The Secret of Longevity


In 1933 the Time Magazine announced the death of a man Li Ching-Yun a Chinese herbalist who lived his entire life selling plants and spent most of his time in the mountains of Tibet.

What possessed this man so special that his death was announced a few thousand miles away in a newspaper of the United States as prestigious as the Time Magazine?

He was a practitioner of Tao and other disciplines of meditation; he was advised military and martial arts instructor for the Chinese government but the most important is that he died at the age of 256 years! He had survived 23 women (that he all have buried) and would have left a progeny of 180 children when he died in May 6, 1933.

Already the fact of living over 250 years is more than respectable, but 23 women to survive, then it really becomes a mission impossible (it was an easy one)!

It would be born in 1677 but some other sources suggest 1736, but it is certain that at the time of his birth records and other authentic documents didn’t already exist and even less in China.

What was his secret?

His own answer in several interviews during his long life was:

“Keep a quiet heart,

You sit like a turtle,

You walk as quickly as a dove,

And you sit back like a dog. “

His diet was essentially based on rice and crops like ginger and a much unknown plant: the Centella Asiatica (Gotu Kola).

Nicknamed “the herb of the tiger and the elephant” because the wounded animals are rolling in, to heal their injuries; This plant enjoys an outstanding reputation in India and China. This reputation is largely due to its properties on the regeneration of tissues and its actions on the nervous system. More recently some research focuses specifically on the effectiveness of the plant for problems of venous insufficiency and skin problems.

The Centella is usually eaten in salads; the juice of the leaves is also used to combat hypertension, and is also used as a tonic.

Do not rush in the first herbalist shop to buy this plant to make your salad because you cannot get it fresh in Europe. You’ll find it in several products to fight against the cellulite and in some dermatological creams; some scientists also say that the Centella has aphrodisiac effects and it’s a great antioxidant!

I think this man through his story (even if it is partially exact), transmit us the secrets of longevity which are summarized through his words which we can understand as:

Think positive, keep the stress out of your life, do some regular exercise, sleep enough and eat mostly natural products growing in the earth.

Source by Freddy Lanz


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