If you want to know how vegan weight loss works so you too can lose weight FAST in a healthy way, then take a minute to read how vegans get thin quick without much effort.
When I followed a vegan diet plan I was amazed at how quickly my excess pounds and extra weight came off. I ate so much yummy food and still got skinny fast! And my cholesterol readings were the healthiest they have ever been.
Vegan Weight Loss
Big Portions – You get to eat a lot (if you want to) when you are a vegan. You won’t have to experience deprivation or hunger like you do with other weight loss programs. Why can you eat more when you eat vegan? Because whole natural vegan foods are naturally low in calories and most are low in fat.
Feel Full Longer – You feel satisfied when you eat a healthy vegan diet because you get lots of fiber from eating a wonderfully delicious array of fruits, vegetables, beans and nuts. You can eat whole grain breads and high fiber cereals too. When you feel satisfied you are less likely to go off your diet and eat high calorie junk food.
No Cholesterol – Most foods that are high in cholesterol are also high in fat. For example: full fat dairy products, meat and other animal products. When you eat a vegan diet you don’t eat any animal products so your cholesterol readings are much healthier and you stop eating a major source of dietary fat.

Source by Jana Suzzane