Read the 10 Things To Prevent Swine Flu. Help Keep Your Children Safe and Healthy by doing the following:
1. Always use tissues to cover coughs and sneezes. Germs spread very easily. Teach your children to cover their mouth when they cough. Try to supply your child with enough tissues for when they sneeze. Inform them it is not appropriate to sneeze in their arm or on their clothes.
2. After using a tissue, throw it in the trash. Stress the importance of this.. Educate them on how germs can cause illnesses.
3. Stay a safe distance from people who are sick whenever possible. Remind your children of this regularly. It is so easy to get close to someone who is sick who does not appear to be. If.the person informs you he or she has a cold, stay as far away as possible.
4. Thoroughly wash hands with soap and warm water. As a parent, get in the habit of purchasing gels so you can rid your hands of germs without soap and water.
5. Do not touch anywhere on your face. This is one of the ways germs are spread.
6. Keep bedside tables, surfaces in the bedroom kitchen counters and your child’s toys as clean as possible. You simply have to keep picking up after yourself and other members of your family. Inform everyone of the importance of this and hopefully they will do it by habit eventually.
7. Use household disinfectants to wipe them down according to manufacturer’s directions on the product label. Choose the ones that do not smell like a hospital room.
8. If someone in your home is ill, have them stay in a separate room. Try not to sleep in the same room with the person who is sick.
9. Try your best not to use anyone else’s towel such at the gym or pool. At times, this may be difficult if you use someone else’s bathroom in their home.
10. Young children should stay home from school to prevent other children and adults from getting sick. Should your children have any symptoms of swine flu, get to an emergency room ASAP! Ask your child’s pediatrician about swine flu symptoms

Source by Jenn Stevens