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Natural Remedies For Menopause – One of the Best is Homeopathic


The deepest acting natural remedies for menopause are, in my opinion, homeopathic. Homeopathic remedies work by using your unique and individual symptoms to arrive at the most appropriate remedy.

So, not only does homeopathy respect your uniqueness, your personal symptoms, it also works by raising your immune system.

You know, all health issues are a result of your immune system not working well. Once you raise that, all manner of ailments disappear, because now your immune system is suddenly able to work efficiently.

Without a doubt, herbs, a good diet, dealing with stress, getting enough sleep, etc will all contribute to your immune system working more efficiently. But homeopathy can work so much faster.

Whilst there are many natural remedies for menopause within the homeopathic materia medica, there is one which is not only one of the most common, but also is available in most home prescribing kits.

When you are looking for an appropriate homeopathic remedy for any condition, you need to be able to see at least three strong keynotes of the remedy in your symptoms. So list your symptoms of menopause in order of importance.

Now let’s look at the homeopathic remedy Lachesis. This is a strong hormonal remedy, so any hormonal imbalance can come under its influence. Those who most benefit by this remedy are those for whom the use of the oral contraceptive pill have caused problems.

The strong keynotes for Lachesis, as related to its hormonal and general sphere of action are:

  • your menopause symptoms may be flushes of heat, headaches or depression
  • menopause symptoms which are worse for heat
  • menopause symptoms which are worse in the morning, on waking, or less often, can be worse during the night
  • generally you have a high libido
  • you may be a very jealous person, especially of your partner, it’s a bit out of control
  • typically you’re more irritable during this time
  • very often you have a phobia for snakes – you’re more than naturally fearful of them, you can’t even watch a program with snakes in
  • you may be intolerant of any tight clothes around your neck, such as a polo neck sweater, even a necklace

Lachesis is one of the most effective natural remedies for menopause, for problems with periods, from effects of the pill, in fact for any hormonal imbalance.

Source by Madeleine Innocent


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