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How Long Does it Take to Cure GERD?


How long does it take cure GERD and eliminate the digestive pain and problems that accompany it?

Myla had just finished her endoscopy procedure. Prior to the recommendation from her doctor, she spent most of her weeks having a hard time to eat. She was so hungry but felt unable to do anything because she always experienced bloatedness. Not to mention feeling dizzy and nauseated, her sleep was drastically reduced from her usual 7 hours down to 2-3 hours.

It was because of this that Myla ended up giving the procedure a go, even if it meant getting her throat and esophagus invaded by a long tube.

She patiently waited for her doctor, arriving a bit late, and having to fall in line with 17 other patients with various gastro-intestinal problems. When it finally came to her turn, her tests revealed that she had Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease. “Or you can call it, GERD”, her doctor chuckled. Sensing that nothing was funny about this and the quality of her life was at stake, Myla slightly raised the tone of her voice in a sort of desperate plea, “So, how long does it take to cure GERD?”

Myla’s question was met with the usual one-two combination mostly given by conventional medicine:

1. A doctor’s prescription for either a hard-to-pronounce drug, or one that’s “famous” for treating GERD and its symptoms (because everyone else who has it, takes it).

2. A stern command from your doctor to avoid all spicy, oily and fatty foods, and avoid stress.

… and along with it, remarks such as, “it depends” or “it will depend on a certain number of factors”.

Your doctor is right when it comes to how long does it take to cure GERD. It does depend on a certain number of factors. However, research has revealed that conventional medicine can only take you so far in giving you hopes for your condition to be properly treated. Just a closer inspection and you’ll find out that what most doctors are good at, are treating symptoms and making them disappear (only to come back again later at a worse stage), instead of focusing on the root cause. This is commonly known as the “band-aid” approach.

I’ll be frank. This method of treatment works… for awhile, then gives you a ton load of stress thereafter. And when you are stressed, isn’t that chocolate fudge cake that’s sitting alone inside the fridge becoming more appealing to the eye than usual?

So what good are doctor’s orders if you can’t get #1 and #2 from cooperating with each other?

If Myla knew any better, she’d find out that there are natural and better ways to treat her GERD (Acid Reflux) and get a more encouraging answer to her question. The answer still depends on many things, but with a natural and holistic approach, your chances of fully recovering from GERD and getting back your life are definitely higher.

Source by Richard Alden


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