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Hair Care Tips – How to Keep Your Hair Healthy


Your hair is a living and evolving part of your body your hair grows at approximately6cm every two weeks. Your hair contains Keratin which is fed from the scalp inside the hair shaft. Keratin is produced by your glands that secrete this hormone. Hormone secretion takes place inside the body, the human body’s glands act as little factories producing these hormones to supplement the body and ultimately keep it healthy. Glands are all around the human anatomy, to understand your hair you need to understand this process. The glands need certain things in order to produce hormones, these are mainly vitamins. These vitamins are gathered from the consumption of everyday food stuffs.

This can help you understand how the human body produces Keratin and also how you can maintain healthy hair. Getting healthy hair is not as simple as it seems it all depends on your state of health how processed your hair has been.

There are several ways to treat your hair to keep it healthy I have broke these down into three types these methods suit every budget. I have made some assumptions that you are not interested in using a shampoo and conditioner combination from a supermarket and that you are starting from the point of view of purchasing and using these separately either currently or you are planning to in the future from a hair salon.

Method 1

This is a combination of using a salon prescribed shampoo and conditioner. Salon prescribed means talking to your hair stylist and asking them to prescribe the best combination for your hair type and style. This may change over time as your style or color changes. This is not a trick for you to buy every shampoo and conditioner in the salon. There are many products on the market and they all can fit different situations. A good tip is use a salon product differently than if you used a off the shelf local store brand. These products are more concentrated and a recommend usage amount is around a pea size to treat a normal hair length. When using a conditioner, make sure you leave in for at least three to five minutes no matter which one you are applying.

Method 2

This is the same as method one but also adding a specialist treatment into the mix. A treatment is a specialist blend of ingredients that have been brought together to target a specific hair problem. It’s possible to skip the conditioning step and add the treatment instead. Wrap your hair in a towel while it goes to work all are different and will advise on the label instructing on the necessary time to leave-in.

Method 3

This is quite a new method and if you use one and two they will generally cure over time any hair problems. But additionally you can add a vitamin supplement to your diet. I advise here that the key is your diet; sometimes a vitamin can have little or no effect on your health. Your glands can only use as much vitamins as they need to produce hormones they will not produce more just because you add more vitamins to your body. There may be exceptions; if you are exercising on a regular basis your body may be producing more hormones to other parts of your body to aid recovery.

The factors that affect your hair are very individual to you and your personal circumstance. Factor’s maybe a recently suffered an accident or trauma this can seriously affect your hair condition. If you are a heavy smoker or drinker this has an effect. During and after pregnancy affect the body’s hormones and glands. Time is a great healer and sometimes by just a change a diet a reducing in drinking and smoking can have a profound effect on your hair as well rest of your body. Unless you a have a specific hormone imbalance which can be identified by visiting a Doctor.

Using vitamin supplements is an extreme way to think you can achieve healthier hair. For the best possible shiny healthy hair ask a hair stylist. They will be aware of your hair type, yourself and what processes you have had treated to your hair.

Source by Denise Bloom

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