Holistic treatment for bacterial vaginosis can work much better than antibiotics or expensive over the counter medication. There are very good reasons why this is the case, but to understand why, you must have a little knowledge about the nature of BV.
The symptoms of bacterial vaginosis include a foul, fishy smelling discharge which is usually watery and gray or whiteish in color, together with some irritation or a burning sensation around the delicate vaginal tissues. There are believed to be many possible triggers, including overwashing, smoking, using an IUD, having a new sexual partner, douching, using perfumed soaps and even just being “under the weather”. Very often it is impossible to attribute an outbreak to a particular “trigger” and this is why conventional treatment is just not suitable, other than for dealing with the symptoms.
Antibiotics and over the counter remedies can help to clear up the symptoms. Antibiotics can be very effective at killing off bacteria and over the counter meds can be very soothing. However, dealing with the growth of harmful bacteria and obtaining relief from the burning are only two of a number of steps which are required to get rid of BV completely and this serves to highlight the difference between these types of “solutions” and holistic treatment for bacterial vaginosis.
Symptomatic treatments cannot help deal with whatever may be causing BV and for many women, this is the only way in which they will be free of this condition permanently. As is is rarely possible to isolate the actual, specific cause in an individual, a holistic treatment for bacterial vaginosis a great way for both prevention and cure. By using a set of protocols to strengthen the body from inside, you can ensure that a condition which relies on the body being in a state of imbalance, simply cannot thrive.
The main principles of holistic treatment for bacterial vaginosis include:-
* Symptomatic Relief
Simple methods are best. For example, cool the inflamed vaginal area using a chilled damp facecloth. Adding a few drops of tea tree oil to your bath can help kill harmful bacteria
* Enhance levels of beneficial bacteria in the vagina and digestive tracts
An easy way to kick start the production of good bacteria in the vagina is to soak a tampon in probiotic yogurt and leave in the vagina for an hour or two. Taking Lactobacillus supplements or drinking probiotic breakfast drinks is also beneficial
* Strengthening the immune system
Take exercise, eat well, and consider an all-round nutritional supplement
* Adjusting the pH level in the vagina
A healthy vagina should have a slightly acidic pH level. Add two-three cups of cider vinegar to your bath
* Removal of common trigger points
Many lifestyle issues are believed to contribute to BV. Consider which might be applicable in your case and take steps to eliminate them (see some of the common causes earlier in the article)
If you are prepared to use the multifaceted approach recommended for holistic treatment for bacterial vaginosis, then this will give you the best possible chance of finding a permanent solution.

Source by Miriam Hopton