The idea of Viagra-like effects of watermelon for men to get a strong erection may sound ridiculous but the fact can not be denied. A penis requires extra blood to be erected and this depends upon the relaxing of sponge tissues inside penis. The blood vessels dilate when nitric oxide is released by internal body mechanisms and accommodate extra blood. The summer fruit is rich in amino acid or citrulline which helps in relaxing blood vessels in the same way as Viagra does. The citrulline is present in edible part of the fruit and is converted into arginine which initiates release of nitric oxide that in turn helps to dilate blood vessels. For these reasons we may talk about Viagra-like effects of watermelon for men to get a strong erection.
It is still not confirmed about how much of citrulline is required to equal Viagra but the research says a regular eating of the fruit is beneficial for erectile dysfunction. The suggestion of Viagra-like effects of watermelon for men to get a strong erection was mocked at by some experts. The counter argument is that men are not deficient in arginine and eating a citrulline rich fruit does not necessarily produce enough arginine to result in better erections. Another opinion dismisses the idea by saying it is too early to say anything concrete.
The idea of Viagra-like effects of watermelon for men to get a strong erection is still being experimented and discussed. One sure thing is that a regular intake will improve arginine levels. Watermelon is a low calorie fruit and it would not hurt to try. Even if it fails to cure erectile dysfunction there are other invaluable health benefits with it. Furthermore this fruit is free from any side effects associated with Viagra.

Source by Waseem Dar