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24 Super Foods That You Should Eat


Here are the 24 super foods that can fight high blood pressure, stress, high cholesterol levels, inflammation and prevent cancer. These superfoods are rich in antioxidants and can lead to overall health and disease free mind and body. Let us look at the 24 super foods which can fights almost all of the body and lead to physical and mental fitness.

1. Apple: Rich in antioxidants, especially in the peel

2. Avocado: Healthy, unsaturated fatty acids,

3. Beans: Low fat healthy proteins

4. Blueberry: Fruit with high amount of anti oxidants

5. Broccoli: Best food to prevent cancer

6. Cinnamon: One of the oldest known herbs, balances blood sugar.

7. Dark chocolate: Cocoa is high in antioxidants

8. Dates: High in iron, folate, and potassium

9. Honey: Valuable antioxidant, fights bacteria, fungus and certain viruses

10. Kiwi: Fruit with one of the highest Vitamin C contents

11. Oats: High in fiber and protein

12. Olive oil: Healthy unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E

13. Onion: High in flavonoids, anti inflammatory

14. Orange: Rich in Vitamin C

15. Pomegranate: Powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory

16. Pumpkin: High in carotene

17. Soy: Complete plant protein, anti-cancer, high in plant estrogen

18. Spinach: fights heart related diseases, cancer and defeats eye degeneration.

19. Tea: Green tea has flavonoids, protects against various cancers. It is also good to reduce weight and boost the metabolic activity.

20. Tomato: Anti-inflammatory, fights prostate cancer

21. Turkey: Low fat, lots of protein, Vitamin B, niacin and selenium

22. Walnut: Rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and Vitamin E

23. Wild salmon: Rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and Vitamin D.

24. Yogurt: Strengthens the immune system, fights the bad bacteria and improves the digestive system

Source by Arunraj V.S.

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