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What Are The Anti Cholesterol Super Foods?


If you want to reduce your cholesterol levels then you need to know what foods to eat in order to help you achieve the aim naturally. Like many things in life, nature has provided solutions to the problems we face and with cholesterol this is also true. You can get your blood back into shape simply by knowing the 7 cholesterol lowering super foods and starting an exercise regime if you don’t already have one.

Let’s take a look at these 7 foods which have the capacity to change your life for the better and help you live longer and better:

  • Top of the list is nuts as these come with various other health benefits making them the perfect way to increase the levels of HDL cholesterol in your blood (‘good’ cholesterol) and improve the ratio of good to bad cholesterol in your body as a whole.
  • You want to reduce your levels of LDL cholesterol (also regarded as ‘bad’ cholesterol) too, along with eating less fatty foods you should also trying eating cooked tomatoes everyday, which have been shown to have properties similar to statins in reducing the output of cholesterol by the body.
  • With just these two things you are already doing pretty well, but if you add in more fish into your diet as well then you will be giving yourself a tasty, low-calorie meal as well as a good and natural dose of omega-3 fats, which have been shown to fight off cholesterol as well as provide numerous other benefits.
  • You want more? Well avocado has also been shown to have a positive benefit on your cholesterol levels and improve your blood, all whilst helping you get more good cholesterol into your system too.
  • It’s not all just about more good cholesterol and less bad cholesterol though. You can also eat foods that have been shown to protect your heart. Spinach is one of those foods, the high levels of lutein contained within it have been shown to protect your heart and it is also a great way to get plenty of iron into your body without the need for eating tons of meat.
  • Let’s face it, we all like the occasional drink as well. Never fear, because if you drink the odd glass of red wine you can get a good dose of fiber which will help reduce your cholesterol levels while allowing you to have a bit of fun and let off some steam at the same time as well.
  • Lastly, is one more drink. Tea is renowned for having many magical qualities and one of those qualities is the ability to reduce your cholesterol levels in just a few weeks. The best way to do this is with straight black tea (without the milk).

In summary, you will want to drink plenty of wine, black tea and of course water. Whilst at dinner time you need to think fish, spinach, cooked tomatoes and avocado. If it is time for a snack then head for the nuts. Keep this in mind and you should be able to reduce your cholesterol levels to healthier levels without the need for statins.

Source by Paul Michael Kerr


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