A wedding is a beautiful and memorable event, it’s a once in a life time occasion. A unity wedding ceremony is a a special additional element to add into your wedding services that demonstrates symbolically what the day is all about. This addition is a flexible element of a wedding ceremony and symbolizes togetherness. Unity ceremonies usually happen before or after the exchange of vows. They are a wonderful addition to any ceremony and will add a special touch that can bring lasting meaning to each renewal celebration in the life of a couple forever.
There are several ideas you can implement for your special day, to make it a more memorable one for you and your dear one. Here are some you can consider.
Unity candle ceremony
One popular symbolic ritual is the Unity Candle tradition. It is standard for three candles to be used but there is flexibility if the couple decides to add children or other loved ones into the ceremony as well. Two small candles or tapers represent you and your partner who are getting married. You both can light each candle or your families can do it. Then the two lit candles are used to light the big candle. Lighting the unity candles signifies two becoming one. You can leave the small candles lit throughout your wedding to indicate that you are uniting as one but retaining your individuality. Or you can blow the small candles which indicate that your lives are becoming merged as one. As mentioned previously, you may also use a third candle for remembrance of a loved one or add other candles for the children who are also a part of the family. The unity candle ceremony provides a very meaningful and beautiful touch to add to any ceremony.
Rose Ceremony
This is often used in non denominational, informal or inter faith services but can be used in religious services as well. The bride and groom exchange a single rose which is symbolic of their first married gift to each other. Because of this it usually takes place at the end. During the ups and down in the marriages, they are asked to remember this tradition and use the rose as a symbol of love to give or leave as a surprise for their partner which signifies apology or appreciate and love of their partner. Additionally, the rose is used every year to be a symbol of exchange on the couple’s anniversary. Every year this exchange symbolizes continued love and appreciation. It is a beautiful way to start a meaningful tradition. There are other variations to use – you can exchange a rose with your dear one, or both families can exchange roses or you can exchange a rose and then give other roses to your parents to show your love and appreciation for their love and support through the years. It always touches family members with a heartfelt response of emotion and it is very meaningful
Water Ceremony
Another great unity idea is the water service. In this one two containers of colored water are used to represent the bride and groom. The two containers of water are poured into a larger container. The two colors mix and form a third color. The third color symbolizes the marriage. The concept is the same – two becoming one.
Sand Ceremony
Another popular idea now is to have a blending of the sands. In this you use two different colors of sand- one to represent you and the other to represent the groom. You can then combine the two into a larger container of your choice. Make sure you test it out and have enough sand. Also make certain that you have it tightly compacted so that it doesn’t shift when traveling and have a good top to contain it so that it doesn’t spill. As the sand blends, it symbolizes the joining together of your two separate lives into one beautiful pattern. The sand ceremony is popular in beach weddings but can be used anywhere and is a good alternative to the unity candle ceremony as it isn’t as vulnerable to the effects of wind.
You may also incorporate children into the service. If including children, their names can be mentioned and they each get a different color of sand and vial to contribute to the mixture. It signifies that they are also a very important part of the marriage and ongoing relationship and is an excellent way to help them feel special and involved.
You may also want to include your wedding officiate and ask them to pour a third color of sand. The wedding officiates involvement symbolizes a foundational aspect of God being present in your relationship as a foundation of strength. The officiate will pour sand into the vial first before the ceremony begins. Then the bride and groom will pour their sand at the appropriate time. The officiate will then top off the sand at the very end which signifies a completion and final blessing of God upon the couples union.
The end result is a spectacular container of sand that makes a beautiful keepsake to remember the significance of the occasion.
Whatever ceremony you choose to use, it will be certain to be as special and memorable addition to your service.

Source by Julie Nourish