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Tips for a Better Workplace Harmony

How important are our interpersonal and communication skills in our work environment? I believe they are the key to having successful relationships in the workplace. Every single individual is different. Each person we work with has a different style, personality and method for performing their job responsibilities. How do individuals with diverse backgrounds, personalities and styles work harmoniously on a daily basis? In my opinion, there are several ways to make it work and it does not take the leader telling people how to do it. It takes each individual "buying in" to the concept of team and the…

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How important are our interpersonal and communication skills in our work environment? I believe they are the key to having successful relationships in the workplace. Every single individual is different. Each person we work with has a different style, personality and method for performing their job responsibilities. How do individuals with diverse backgrounds, personalities and styles work harmoniously on a daily basis? In my opinion, there are several ways to make it work and it does not take the leader telling people how to do it. It takes each individual “buying in” to the concept of team and the concept of cooperation. Here are some suggestions to a successful workplace:

· Put the interests of the organization first and personal interests second. No matter what your work style might be, it is a must that each individual embraces the mission and purpose of the organization and understands why they are there to serve.

· Don’t let little things turn into big things. When a problem occurs, address it head on. There are always going to be disagreements in the workplace. But if individuals are honest, forthright and cooperative and things are addressed early on, then small problems will not turn into large problems. Always show respect for the other person, no matter the situation.

· Earn the trust of others. Trust is a very fragile thing. It can easily be broken and is hard to repair. At one time or another, we all become disillusioned or perhaps untrusting of another person’s actions. Sometimes these trust breakdowns are intentional and sometimes they are not. If each employee is consistent and focused on the best interest of the organization then trust should be almost a “given.” If not, people are not focusing on the mission as they should.

· Compliment and reward. If someone does a good job, tell them they did a good job. If someone does something nice or out of the ordinary, thank them for it. The workplace is all about relationships. Don’t take anyone or anything for granted. We earn our place at the table every day.

· Have positive body language. I have learned that when I get tired of something, I fold my arms and begin to tune out. I have to work on this sometimes. Be attentive, listen, show compassion and concern. If someone is having a bad day, lift then up somehow. If someone is hurting and needs help, find a way to help them. We should never be too busy with our own work to stop and look out for our fellow team members.

· Avoid being jealous of others. Everyone wants to be successful. Sometimes individuals are in the limelight and others are not. This changes from situation to situation. Be happy for others’ successes. A successful individual is part of a successful team.

· Look for new and innovative ways to help the team. Be a strategic thinker. Life moves forward and if we get stuck in the same rut or way of doing things, organizations and individuals in that organization gets stale. A new idea can be very helpful.

· Swallow your pride. If your feelings get hurt or you get mad about something or somebody has done something wrong in your eyes, get over it. Move past it and chock it up as a learning experience. Although, let the person know that they hurt your feelings though. That is an important part of moving on.

· Be nice every day. People should not have to woo you into being in a good mood. Be thankful you have a workplace and make the best out of every day. If you don’t, then you are not only hurting yourself but also your fellow employees.

· And finally; maximize your performance. Nothing speaks louder than hard work, a good effort and putting your best foot forward. How hard you work and how much pride you take in your work is up to you to control.

Work is vital to all of us. We only move through the workforce one time in our lives and we can’t go back and start over so we should make the most of all situations. Working harmoniously takes effort. My hope is that all organizations and the staff associated with them will take stalk of who they are and how they interact with their fellow employees. It is the responsibility of each of us to do that and to do it daily. We need to be good at it.

Source by Thomas C. Keith


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