The rapid growth of our population now enters in the portal of social problem. It is now becoming as one of the predicaments that endangered our environment. If this dilemma cannot be given due attention then there is really a great probability that human existence and the natural surroundings will be devastated. While there is still time to prevent this things from occurrence, a more lasting solution shall be in placed today so that the possible damage into the ecosystem can be easily averted.
Our environment is one of the priceless gems that have been bestowed by Almighty Father upon human. With this, people are given the responsibility to protect and take good care of our natural world. It is the irrevocable duty of human to maintain the balance of the environment. What God has given to the people must be preserve at once and it should not be put unattended. The environment helps us in our quest for survival and in return we also have to protect the natural glow of the environment for us to survive.
Since people’s growth is still continuing to swell, the increase of the demands will surely doubled. The rampant illegal fishing that occurs in our oceans is evident that we are gradually decreasing the supply of marine life. The everyday destruction made by human on the marine life sanctuary is very much alarming. The illegal cuttings of trees were also visible in whatever part of the world and it adds more devastation to our environs. The extensive operations of mining industries in the different countries have contributed a lot in the degradation of our beloved environment. All things that happened in our surroundings is attributed to overpopulation and to no concern of the people.
The healthy environment is our life and it is our obligation to nourish the earth and maintain its balance. When a disaster happens in our surrounding it will surely affects the lives of human being. Overpopulation really threatens the natural environment to exist longer. If we can’t control the growth of human beings then it is possible that we can’t also protect our environment from any devastation made by our own race.
The effects of overpopulation on the environment are really dangerous and destructive. The frequent occurrence of the natural phenomena like earthquake, typhoons, floods, volcanic eruptions are just a few of the many signs of how we gradually destroy our beloved earth.
Let us help each other control the growth of the people in a more sound and moral way and bring preserve the natural beauty of our ecosystem. Let us live with a meaningful and nourish life in a healthier environment.

Source by Cesar Gealogo