Why is it that so many sports people and bodybuilders have protein shakes? You see, protein is used for the production of muscles. The main goal most sports people being to increase their muscle strength. Proteins have been used to manufacture hormones, enzymes, cellular messengers, nucleic acids, and immune-system components.
If your body does not receive adequate protein intake, it isn’t able to put together the structure of every cell, tissue, and organ, nor can it generate the types of substances needed for cardiovascular function. This includes muscle contraction, growth, and healing. If we didn’t receive an adequate amount of protein our muscles would not be able to heal up as quickly and could therefore lead to over training. This is not what an elite athlete wants.
As well as muscle growth, after a workout is one of the best times to get protein into your body so that it can deliver the nutrients to your muscles when your body is in a peak state. It also helps to begin healing the micro tears (very small tears in the tissue of your muscle, caused by intense contraction during a workout) in the muscle.
As solid food takes longer to digest and break down the protein and send it to the muscles, it’s best to have a protein shake immediately after a workout, since they only take about 30 minutes to reach the muscles after ingestion.
As you can see, protein is required by the body after a workout. A good protein powder can help recover muscles and increase their strength. Some of the types of protein you can get are whey protein, whey isolate, egg protein and isopure protein.

Source by Chris Jeffreys
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