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Holistic Alternatives for Hepatitis C


Hepatitis C is a growing problem in the United States and Canada. Because it is a viral condition, there are not a lot of good conventional treatment options for this condition. Hepatitis C can eventually lead to liver cirrhosis and liver cancer so it is important to get proper treatment for this condition as soon as it is diagnosed.

The main conventional treatment option for hepatitis C is interferon. Interferon has many difficult side effects, and the treatment is somewhat toxic. Even after treatment, the success rate is low. The success rate has gone up somewhat with the inclusion of ribavarin, but the treatment program is harsh and it is often not well tolerated. Also, people with certain genotypes of the hepatitis C virus do not respond well to the interferon and ribavarin protocol.

Fortunately, there are alternative methods of addressing this condition. To address hepatitis C properly, it is important to do two different things. The first issue is reducing the viral load, and eventually eradicating it, as interpreted by medical testing. The second issue is supporting the liver and normalizing its functioning.

Chinese herbs can be very useful in addressing these two angles, along with a few other alternative therapies I want to discuss.

One of the best Chinese herbs for those with hepatitis C is andrographis root. Andrographis is a natural immune system booster, encouraging the body to produce its own interferon to fight off viral pathogens. It is also known to have beneficial and protective effects on the liver, so this herb can address both the viral aspect of hepatitis C and may help normalize liver functioning.

Another useful Chinese herb is isatis root. Isatis root (also called woad root) has been shown to have antiviral properties, and may be helpful for reducing a person’s viral load. Capillaris root is also a commonly used Chinese herbs for liver issues. It may help to clear infectious pathogens from the liver, while also balancing out enzyme functioning.

Clove is a common household spice that may have antiviral properties as well. I commonly include this herb in formulations for viral conditions.

Essential oils are extremely concentrated plant extracts that need to be diluted with a carrier oil before external application. They are used externally, but since they are composed of very small molecules, they slip through the skin directly into the blood stream. Many of these oils are antiviral and immune enhancing. They need to be used with care in those with hepatitis in lower dilutions than normal, but may help with reducing viral load. Certain of the oils, like lemon essential oil, also may have a positive influence on liver functioning.

One of the best remedies I have used with clients who have this condition is colloidal silver. Silver is ionized into a suspension in distilled water. This colloidal silver suspension has purported antibiotic and antiviral properties. I have witnessed some impressive recoveries when Chinese herbs, essential oils, and colloidal silver therapy have been combined. These people have seen rapid improvements in their medical tests, as interpreted by measurements of viral load and liver enzyme functioning. The best thing about this protocol is that there are little or no side effects. Some people may feel a little under the weather briefly. This is generally a healing crisis response of the body dealing with a die off of the pathogen.

There are many natural approaches to hepatitis C that are worth considering if you are dealing with this condition.

Source by Farah Khan


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