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Herbal & Homeopathic Remedies For Excessive Sweating (Hyperhidrosis)


Sweat mainly consists of water which contains various kinds of salt as chlorides of sodium & potassium and other chemicals. It is, therefore, saltish in taste.

Sweat is formed in sweat glands which are situated below the skin, especially that of the palms and the soles of the feet and also that of head & underarm. Usually there number ranges between 2-3 million in a human body. Women have greater number of sweat glands than men. Yet, they do not sweat so much as men because of the testosterone hormone.

The formation of sweat depends upon the instruction received from the brain which is activated by hypothalamus. When our body is heated up due to some reason, the heat passes on to the blood and when the hot blood reaches the hypothalamus part of the brain, it gets agitated. Consequently, the process of keeping the heat under control and making the temperature normal begins through vibrating nerves and the forming of sweat in the sweat-glands starts and the various parts of the body begin to sweat.

Due to atmospheric heat and dryness, the sweat begins to evaporate. In this process it uses body-heat thus reducing body temperature. During the summer season, the human body excretes ½ liter sweat every hour to keep the body cool.

Normal sweating is an indication of good health. Sweating keeps the pores in the skin open and the skin gets proper oxygen. Consequently, it retains its shine and smoothiness.

Excessive sweating results in the loss of too much water and salts leading to dehydration, headache, sleepiness, peevishness, and sometimes vomiting. The patient finds himself at a loss. The body becomes cold, breathing becomes fast and the pulse rate goes up.

Natural Remedies

There are many homeopathic remedies such as Lupulus, Castoreum and Argentum Nitricum that help to reduce sweating, specifically related to nervousness, panic, anxiety, or obsessive thoughts. Another ingredient Nat mur (6X) is used extensively homeopathically as a tonic for the skin and skin glands, this remedy can also be used to address fluid secretions from the body – such as sweating.

Source by Ashirwad Pareek

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