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Good Nutrition Required For Growing Healthy Hair


Balance is the key

A balanced diet will encourage a healthy head of beautiful hair and aid faster hair growth. Fad dieting can deprive your hair of the nutrition it needs to shine. Don’t totally eliminate carbohydrates and fat from your diet, no matter how calorie conscious you are. Complex carbohydrates are best, e.g. whole grain bread and cereals and brown rice, these are important for overall health and wellbeing.

Protein is the building block for your hair and every other part of your body. Without sufficient protein the body cannot efficiently produce new hair to replace the hair that naturally sheds. Protein is found in; meat, poultry, eggs, fish, milk, cheese, yoghurt, and soy products. These all contain complete proteins that contain all the nine essential amino acids necessary for optimal health. Other sources of protein, such as pulses, seeds, nuts and grain products do not contain the complete form.

Eat green and yellow vegetable and fruit to get the required amount of beta-carotene.

Good hydration

Drink plenty of water. Proper hydration of the body is essential. Water helps to transport the vitamins and minerals throughout the body. Don’t wait until you are thirsty, your body needs about eight glasses of water or 64 ounces a day.

Avoid junk food

Forget sugary, fatty food and avoid caffeine and carbonated drinks. If something is missing from your diet, it will be reflected in the condition of your hair.

The good oils

The use of, cold-pressed nut and seed oils, such as flax seed oil, daily on salads and in any dishes that do not require heating, are great to prevent dry hair. They contain the essential fatty acids omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid and omega-6 linoleic acid. Vitamin and mineral supplements can help when our diet is out of balance.

A healthy diet, adequate exercise, enough sleep and less stress are all important components in the mission to grow long healthy hair. Oh the sacrifices we make for beautiful hair. The upside is your whole body will benefit, and you’ll look great from head to toe!

Source by Karen G Anderson


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