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Cancer Diet – 10 Super Foods to Fight Cancer


John Wayne called it “The Big C”. More than 25 years after the famed actor’s death, however, research has pointed the way toward cancer prevention through consuming a cancer diet, rich with foods to fight cancer. There are ten super foods to fight cancer that should be included in every cancer diet:

(1) Garlic – one of the best foods to boost the body’s immune system. Garlic has been revered for ages for its healing properties, but recent studies have proven that garlic consumption, along with its cousins onions, leeks and chives, also helps reduce the risk of stomach and colon cancers.

(2) Broccoli – not one of former President Bush’s favorites, but who can argue about the powers of its chemical ingredient indol-3-carbinol, a proven breast cancer fighter.

(3) Red Grapes – rich in bioflavinoids and resveratrol, both proven to be able to suppress the enzymes that encourage cancer cell growth.

(4) Tomatoes – contain the antioxidant lycopene proven to help prevent prostate and colon cancers, so make sure the men in your life consume plenty of tomato-based products.

(5) Mushrooms -Shiitake and reishi varieties help to build the body’s immune system and fight cancer cells.

(6) Sweet Potatoes – the beta-carotene contained in this potato variety shields the body’s cells from cancer invasion.

(7) Blueberries – the most powerful berry variety for antioxidants.

(8) Papayas – this tropical fruit is a Vitamin C powerhouse, a known cancer inhibitor.

(9) Flax – flax seed and flax seed oil are very high in omega-3 fatty acids which are proven cancer fighters.

(10) Avocados – the powerful antioxidants in this rich and creamy fruit is especially helpful in fighting liver cancer.

Source by Barbara Masterson


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