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A Spoonful of Super Brain Food a Day to Make Your Brain Okay!


Brain foods provide a powerful anchor for boosting brain memory function. It is proven that eating the proper mix of foods can deliver an enhanced performance.

The brain receives majority of the nutrients that we put inside our body, that capitalizing on brain boosters really can make an impact, if only you include them into your diet daily.

Cutting down on the consumption of fat is one way to enhance memory through food. Studies show that a diet with an increase in saturated fat slows various mental processes, involving memory, spatial awareness, and rule learning. Furthermore, this accounts for a slowing of oxygen delivery in the brain and glucose metabolism – the primary form of sugar that the brain needs to sustain its functioning.

On the other hand, healthy fats such as those found in salmon, flaxseed and sardines, containing omega 3 fatty acids enhance brain performance by providing the building blocks for the brain. Omega 3 fatty acids nourish the brain cell membranes that are responsible for a lower case of dementia, depression, and other brain related disorders in people who include a lot of fish foods in their diets.

Cacao beans are also good for you – not really chocolate, but the minimally processed cacao beans. Another alternative to this are high cacao percentage dark chocolate bars. They are loaded with a powerful cognitive development and mood enhancing properties, thanks to the Theobromine found in them, plus flavonoids and antioxidants – all proven to boost brain memory function.

Source by Taylor Bliss


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