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Weight Loss Secrets


Survey a group of people who are overweight on why they

failed and you will learn one of two things:

Either a/ They were not able to stick to a program or

b/ they did lose weight but gained it back.

These two problems are faced universally by almost everyone

who attempts to lose weight. Interestingly enough, both of

these problems are related to human behavior more than diet

or exercise programs.

The problem lies in the fact that individuals are expected to

follow some fad diet and include an exercise program. This

is contrary to a lifetime of ingrained habits.

In order to solve this problem it is necessary to create a complete

lifestyle shift, or to create new habits. The best method for

eliminating bad or old habits is to make new ones.

Everyone knows how to lose weight. The answer is to eat sensibly

and to exercise. The truth is that most people don’t know how to

do this.

The reason for this is simple. No matter how much they diet or how

motivated they are, most people don’t know the secrets to losing

weight and keeping it off. So, what are these secrets?

Here are some of the secrets to losing weight and keep it off.

The very first thing is to prioritize. When you set this as a goal, it

should be in the forefront of your mind. Everything that you do

should contribute to your goal. By the way, weight loss and improved

health should be the benefits of your goal, not the goal itself. Your

goal should be an improved lifestyle and new habits.

Incorporate physical activity into your daily routine. Muscle burns

more calories around the clock. By getting in shape it will be easier to lose

weight and to keep it off.

Fad diets will not allow you to keep the weight off. A healthy

lifestyle will not only allow you to lose weight without obsessing

about it, but it will keep the weight off forever.

Be sensible about what you eat. Keep your kitchen well grounded.

It should contain only the foods that support your lifestyle. If you

want to eat something else, go out to a restaurant and have a nice

meal. If you don’t diet then you don’t have to cheat.

Realizing and defining the problem is half the battle. Look at the

foods that you eat everyday that contribute both to your weight and

health problems. Processed foods, foods with too much salt or sugar

not only contribute to excess weight, they make us lethargic and


There is that new advice about eating more and smaller meals. Rubbish.

You will never give your digestive system a break. What you require

is three, healthy meals per day. Chewing well will help you absorb more

nutrition from your food and enable you to be satisfied with less.

Follow what is quickly becoming universal, the 80/20 rule. If you are

careful about what you consume 80% of the time, the other 20% will

be less of a problem.

Remember, losing weight and improving your health is not about dieting

and going to the gym. Essentially it is your present lifestyle that got you

where you are now. Transform your lifestyle and your weight loss will

be effortless and the weight will stay off forever.

Sign up for our free ecourse: 10 Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting

Source by Kathryn Soloff


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