Sex is the natural part of human experiences. It should be amazed and enjoyable. It is a vital part of human’s life. It included the balance of physical, emotional and spiritual aspects. The sex life which can satisfy you and your partner helps to create a long lasting and healthy intimate relationship.
However, there are a lot people facing anxiety, pain and sorrow when talks about sex. Studies show that 30%-45% of people are facing problem or displeasure in their sex life. Some of them even have low sex drive. According to a study which released in year 2002, almost 30% of women are having low sex drive. Only 17% of them search for help.
From these figures, we know that it is a must to talk out this issue with someone. Still, many feel people feel shame and uneasy when talk about sexual problems they have. The drugs like Viagra and Levitra have help men to feel easier to discuss their sexual problems with doctors especially with the erection issue. However, there are still many men and ladies left their sex concern to themselves rather than talk it out, they miss a chance enjoy their sex life.
According to the research, only 35% of the primary care physicians are asking their patients sex concern at least 75% of the time. Their pay more attention on the reproduction, treatment and the prevention of disease, but not the patient’s satisfaction in sex life.
Many excuses have been given by doctors for not asking the question about sex. It can included they feel shame and not prepare to ask, they think that the sexual experiences is not significant, and the time limitation. This is your decision to decide whether to discuss this topic with your doctor. When talks about this issue to your doctor, it is important that you should state out certain medical conditions such like diabetes, cardiac problems and depression that may be cause the sexual health. Hormones can be the issue of this topic sometimes.
Many reason can affected your sex life. For example, relationship problems, the fears to perform sex or body image and the past experiences which related to sexual abuse. This could bring negative effect on the sex life. Doctor can help you by refer you to professional in order to overcome these problems.
Below are the tips for you on how you talk your sex problems with doctors:
1) Remember that enjoy sex is something natural in human, and you have your right for that! It is as natural as enjoying a delicious meal, your body has been exposed to such enjoyment, so does sex.
2) Get a journal of your sexual experiences. You can noted down a month record about your sexual experiences, how often you do sex, your feeling when you do sex, the erection problems that you are facing, the trouble with stimulation and orgasm. A healthy sex life does not exclude the desire to make love.
3) Before you do to doctor, it is better if you do some research. You can get that sexual health information from internet and books. This reading on your concern can enhance the communication between you and your doctor. You will know how to choose the right word and message to deliver your message more clearly.
4) Have your notes with you during the meeting. People will get anxious, in hurry when meet up doctors. This will be the obstacle for communicate openly and effectively with doctors. You might not be able to say out what is really in your mind. Note is a good helper to remind you the things that you want to say. You can read from notes when talk to doctors or you can pass it to your doctors.
If you are in the group of 30-45% people who are facing the sex dissatisfying problems, get the time to talk your problems out. Yes, I know that you may feel embarrassed. However, your sexual health and intimate relationship are more important than the feeling of “embarrassed”.

Source by C. Kelly
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