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Whey Protein Side Effects – What You Need to Know About Whey Protein Side Effects


Even though this is a great source of protein and other valuable nutritional needs, it is important to understand every aspect in order to get the best results. There are possible side effects that you should be aware of in order to avoid any health problems and concerns if you take too much. Even though it has incredible positive effects and results, there are five important things to know about whey protein side effects.

1) The first thing to be aware of is that too much of a good thing can be bad for you. Extremely high intake amounts can eventually result in the first of whey protein side effects. Extremely high amounts, especially over a prolonged period of time will put extra stress on the liver. This can eventually lead to medical problems with your liver as it works harder and harder to do it’s job as you take in huge amounts of this type of supplement. Not a good thing considering this is the second most important organ in your body right after the heart.

2) The second of possible whey protein side effects is for anyone who is very sensitive to lactose and are lactose intolerant. There are two types of this protein on the market. The first is concentrate while the other is isolate. The concentrate has a lactose level of 5 – 6% while the isolate only contains 1%. Although low, for those with very sensitive lactose levels, this can be a serious problem.

3) The next possible negative effect is still in debate. Experts are somewhat divided on the effects of long term excessive protein intake although some research does point to the possibility that it can be linked to deteriorating kidney function. Your kidneys are responsible for helping to filter out toxins and unwanted agents in your body and deteriorating kidneys can eventually result in the need of a transplant.

4) The fourth thing to know about is that some experts also believe that excessive, long term protein intake can also contribute to the possibility of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a disease that causes the bones to become more fragile and much more likely to break. Although there is no research to back up the link between excessive protein intake and osteoporosis, it is worth noting that many experts do believe that there is an increased possibility of this being one of the whey protein side effects.

5) The fifth and final effect you should be aware of is the possibility of having some other type of allergic reaction not related to lactose intolerance. These include the possibility of a rash or hives, itching, swelling of the lips, mouth, and throat. You may also experience difficulty in breathing, diarrhea, vomiting, or blood in the stool. If you experience any of these problems, seek medical treatment immediately and stop taking your supplement.

Overall the basic analysis is that too much of a good thing can still be bad. Although there is very little research on the possible whey protein side effects, too much of anything can be detrimental for you. The only real concern is for anyone who has an allergic reaction to the lactose or other ingredients included in a protein supplement, however, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be responsible when using and consuming a supplement on a regular basis. Don’t go over board and make sure that you are using your supplement properly with a daily training and exercise program.

Source by C. D Stewart

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