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The 4 Natural Steps For Beating Diabetes Your Doctor Won’t Tell You About


There are 4 natural steps to beating diabetes that your doctor won’t tell you about. This is unfortunate because the consequences of uncontrolled diabetes are severe: blindness, kidney failure, increased risk of heart disease, and painful peripheral nerve damage.

Today, most practitioners focus treatment on strict blood sugar control. While diabetes is characterized by excess blood glucose (the form of sugar used by cells as energy), this simplified approach can actually hasten the progression of the most common form of diabetes and does nothing to address the damage it causes.

Beating diabetes naturally is a new approach that’s needed because the conventional wisdom has failed us. America is in the midst of a diabetes epidemic. Over the past 20 years, the number of adults diagnosed with diabetes has more than doubled, and children are being diagnosed with diabetes in alarming numbers.

The following 4 steps offer diabetics new hope to beating this devastating disease. Each step utilizes a proven nutrient that when taken together can help you improve your prognosis.

Step 1: Stop Blood Sugar Spikes

After eating a meal, blood sugar levels often spike to dangerous levels. The rapid rise in blood sugar forces excess amounts of insulin to saturate your blood stream. Normally, insulin helps transport blood sugar into your cells. However, in excessive amounts, cells become resistant to insulin and blood sugar levels rise. This is the hallmark of type 2 diabetes.

In order to prevent insulin resistance and lower blood sugar levels, you need to stop sugar spikes after eating. According to medical studies, a water-based cinnamon extract is the best way to prevent blood sugar spikes. People supplementing with cinnamon can successfully reduce blood sugar spikes by as much as 50%. In addition to supporting healthy glucose metabolism, cinnamon has been shown to support levels of lipids such as triglycerides, total cholesterol, and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) that are already within normal ranges.

Step 2: Improve Insulin Sensitivity

The hallmark of type 2 diabetes is insulin resistance. When cells no longer respond to insulin, blood sugars rise quickly leading to diabetes. Traditionally, a drug called Metformin is prescribed to improve insulin sensitivity. Unfortunately, Metformin is often not strong enough to help many people and increasing doses are prescribed. As dose increases, so does the incidence of side effects.

The solution: lipoic acid. Lipoic acid is a naturally occurring anti-oxidant that improves insulin sensitivity. Even though your body makes it, production decreases dramatically with age. Supplementing with lipoic acid as proven to be paramount in beating diabetes. It also preserves youthful energy levels for many aging Americans.

Step 3: Reduce Oxidative Stress

Oxidative stress is one of the leading theories of aging. Oxygen is not only necessary for life, but also can damage cells and tissues throughout our lifetimes. Free radicals, left over from oxygen metabolism, damage cell membranes, proteins, and DNA. The result is aging.

Diabetes is characterized by high levels of oxidative stress and rapid aging. Protect your cells and tissues by eating a wide variety of anti-oxidants from a wide variety of vegetable sources. Anti-oxidants from plant-based sources sacrifice themselves by reacting with free radicals, keeping your cells protected. But that is not enough.

Start supplementing with CoQ10, your bodies best defense from the damages of free radicals. Diabetes depletes your levels of CoQ10. Taking 100 to 200mg of a high quality CoQ10 supplement, can help you reduce oxidative stress and beat diabetes.

Step 4: Prevent Glycation

Glycation is the driving force behind the medical consequences attributed to diabetes. Blood sugars, like glucose, react with critical proteins and essential fats, leading to their dysfunction and destruction. Without these important nutrients working properly, diabetes leads to clogged arteries, nerve damage, and rapid aging.

Mainstream medicine completely fails to recognize glycation and the horrible consequences. But there’s hope…nature provides anti-glycation nutrients! These nutrients, like anti-oxidants, sacrifice themselves and react with blood sugars. This keeps the sugars in your blood from damaging critical proteins and fats.

Preventing glycation is the most important step for beating diabetes. Try supplementing everyday with carnosine. Carnosine is a small protein that effectively reduces and prevents glycation in diabetics. Take 1000-2000mg per day of carnosine to beat diabetes.


Beat diabetes naturally by following these 4 steps: stop blood sugar spikes with cinnamon, improve insulin sensitivity with lipoic acid, reduce oxidative stress with CoQ10, and prevent glycation with carnosine.

To learn more about these nutrients, visit Dr. Smith’s web page on the diabetic food pyramid.

Source by Michael Smith, MD


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