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Superfoods List – The Top 3 Superfoods


Most of us know we should get more minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. Even if we are not eating a really healthy diet this should be a must. More and more foods are grown with soils that are not filled with the same Minerals as they used to. So topping up your daily diet with some of the known superfoods is a must. The SuperFoods List below is a taster to get you going.

1. Wheat Grass

This is my number 1 when it comes to super foods. It not only contains chlorophyll (nature’s top health promoting nutrient) but 20 amino acids, hundreds of different enzymes not found in other foods, and claims are made that it contains as many as 90 out of 102 possible minerals, vitamins and other important nutrients. You can not go passed Wheat Grass.

2. Kefir Grains

Kefir could be classed in the fermented food section but I think it deserves its place on its own. Kefir is a fermented milk drink that contains a bunch of Probiotics. Otherwise known as Healthy Bacteria. It helps with digestion and a raft of other things. Through out the Internet you will find stories of how this little known food has helped many people back to good health. A tip when making it is to make sure you use organic raw milk as using heat treated milk can destroy many of the good properties.

3. Cacao

Yes Cacao is the base of chocolate. But it is really good for you when you have it the correct way. It is in my opinion the food with the highest antioxidant count around of any food. This is what the Incas and Mayans used to live on. It was like gold because of its health properties. Make sure you remember to find Organic Raw Cacao powder for the best results.It is also great in smoothies with some Stevia (natural Sweetener which kicks sugars ass).

This is just a taste of a SuperFoods List that will help your body gain the minerals and vitamins it requires. You can also do tests to find out if you are deficient in certain minerals so you can top them up. As mineral and vitamin deficiencies take a while to show so don’t wait until it gets to bad to fix!

Source by Stephen Alan Martin

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