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Super Foods For Diabetes


What are super foods? Science and research have anointed them as anti-stress, life expanding and disease preventing foods. They are legumes, fruits and vegetables that have been around forever. The super foods listed below can be quite beneficial to a diabetic.

Almonds and walnuts: Almonds and walnuts are rich in monosaturated good fat that contains many micro nutrients, vitamin E and fiber. They are known to lower the risk of heart disease. In addition Walnuts also contain omega-3 fatty acids which are known for their health benefits.

Blueberries and strawberries: Besides being delicious, they are loaded with properties such as low in calories, rich in iron, fiber and vitamin C and high in antioxidants.

Beans: They are rich in protein, fiber slow metabolizing complex carbohydrates and folic acid.

Dark Green: They are delicious, satisfying and rich in nutrients. If looking for calium, folate, vitamin C. potassium, carotenoids and fiber, your mantra should be GO GREEN. The choice is plenty, broccoli, spinach, kale etc to name a few.

Garlic: This spices lowers cholesterol and blood pressure. It also reduces the risk of heart attacks and retards growth of harmful bacteria.

Yellow fruits: Apricots, sweet potatoes, citrus fruits, carrots, peaches and butternut squash. They are loaded with carotenoids, the powerful heart protectors. They are loaded with carotenoids, the powerful heart protectors. In addition they contain fiber, vitamins A and C, beta-carotene and potassium.

Fish: Wild salmon and other fatty fish caught in wild contain the beneficial omega-3 fatty acids that lower cardic risks.

Olive Oil: This monsaturated fat is beneficial in lowering cholesterol and fighting heart disease.

Dark Chocolate: Contains flavonols and antioxidants that improve the flow of blood throughout the body and reduces blood pressure.

Green Tea: Low on caffeine, and if drunk on regular basis it is known to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.

If included in the daily diet theses super foods can improve one’s life phenomenally and help fight diseases.

Source by Louiesa Owens


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