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Spirulina for Healthy Skin and Glowing Complexion


It was used centuries ago by the Aztecs and Mayas for ailments ranging from digestive disorders to illnesses associated with a weakened immune system. Today it is available in most Health shops as a nutritional supplement for its benefits of high protein, anti-oxidants, essential fatty acids, beta carotene, trace elements, vitamins and minerals. For vegetarians it is a great nutritional supplement for providing plant based good quality protein. For athletes it is recommended for post workout to speed recovery and support muscle repair. With all of these nutritional benefits it is no wonder that it is referred to as a “superfood” and recommended for maintaining healthy skin and glowing complexion.

Spirulina is thought to help the skin due to it containing all the eight essential and nine non-essential amino acids for healthy skin. Other substances in the algae such as chlorophyll also help by purifying the skin and strengthening tissues. Spirulina is an incredibly rich source of the antioxidant beta carotene, with a full spectrum of ten mixed carotenoids. Carotenoids work synergistically at different sites in the body to enhance antioxidant protection and help neutralise free radicals. Beta carotene is well known for alleviating skin complaints such as acne and psoriasis.

Also though, the ‘dual’ system of taking this “superfood” algae Spirulina as a nutritional supplement and the topical application of Spirulina appears to be particularly effective for problem skin conditions ranging from acne to psoriasis and eczema. For dry skin conditions it contains Polysaccharides that act as natural humectants to help the skin store moisture to improve elasticity.

For the topical application of Spirulina it is possible to prepare a home-made remedy by mixing the powder with water into a paste and applying directly to the skin. For those looking for a more convenient solution, cosmetic products such as moisturisers and creams or face masks containing Spirulina and other complimentary ingredients are available via retailers.

Spirulina is thought to work by supplying the skin with a rich source of protein and accelerating the removal of toxins just beneath the skin surface. It also has a calming, anti-inflammatory and balancing effect on the tissues and capillaries, which can become inflamed and infected in people with acne. This blue-green algae also provides the skin with the nourishment it needs to eliminate the acne causing toxins.

Of course, there is no “wonder” supplement or skincare product for everyone, it’s about feeding your skin from the inside and outside, and finding skincare products and solutions that work for you. Keeping your skin hydrated from within with plenty of water to flush out the organs, a healthy diet to provide nourishment at cell level, regular exercise to help eliminate toxins through sweat, and a daily skincare routine will all help towards healthy skin and glowing complexion.

Spirulina as an ingredient for topical application and as a nutritional supplement can provide a key supporting role in your overall plan for health and well being.

Source by Maria J Johnson


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