For any prospective customer, there are a wide variety of sex pills, both pharmaceutical and natural or herbal, to choose from. Despite widespread skepticism, a good number of sex pills have been found to have a significant effect on sexual enjoyment, both in men and women.
In any good sex enhancement pill, it is always imperative that the right herbs, in the right extract potencies, combination, and dosage, made from reliable raw material suppliers, are chosen. At present, even medical doctors, known for their vehement opposition to herbal and naturopathic treatments, have begun endorsing natural formulas for male sexual enhancement.
Many of these herbs influence hormone levels such as testosterone, enhance certain sex chemicals such as dopamine, dilate blood vessels through enhanced nitric oxide formation, or increase stamina.
Many men would like to have a large, rock-hard penis that would bowl over any woman. But as they get older, they tire rather easily, lose their sexual stamina and are left with a penis that has gone limp.
It’s at this point that they feel the need of sexual enhancement pills. The lack of sufficient testosterone or amino acids in the bloodstream causes most of the problems. Testosterone is the key to almost every aspect of the masculine or “macho” life – bigger penis, greater sex drive, more sexual stamina and what not.
These are some herbs available in different parts of the world that are used in these natural supplements: epimedium leaf extract, cuscuta seed extract, gingko biloba leaf, Asian red ginseng, saw palmetto berry – fructus serenoae, muira pauma bark extract, catuaba bark extract and hawthorn berry – fructus crataegi.
Source by Kevin Stith
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