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Juicing and Weight Loss – Does It Work?


Many people “juice” as part of their weight loss program. What is “juicing” and does it help you lose weight?

Squeezing the juice out of fruits and vegetables is called juicing. The easiest way to get the juice out of fruits and vegetables is to use a juice extractor or what is commonly called a “juicer”. Manual methods are still available to squeeze juice out of say oranges, but the “juicer method” is so much easier and convenient. You’ve probably seen Jack La Lanne’s juicer or “The Juice Man’s” juicer advertised on television. Those are good products and there are many others available online and in stores.

Replacing some of your meals with juices or even going on a juice fast are methods people use to lose weight and detoxify their bodies. Not only are you lowering your calorie count when you juice, you are also reaping other nutritional benefits.

Many types of health problems can be helped through proper nutrition. Fruits and vegetables have many powerful properties that help boost your immune system. The phytochemicals, antioxidants, and vitamins contained in fruits and vegetables help your body to fight disease, inflammation, and pain. Juicing is also a great way to get your 5 recommended servings of fruits and vegetables into your diet.

A simple, healthy, and great tasting juice to start off with is carrot apple juice. The carrot is rich in carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A. It is also a great source for vitamins B and C. Adding an apple to the recipe adds a sweet taste to the carrot juice. According to the Virginia Department of Agriculture, apples are also good for your heart, lungs, and bones. Carrot juice by itself, in my opinion, doesn’t taste very good. However by adding an apple or two, the juice tastes great.

There are of course many other combinations of vegetables and fruits to use to make a healthy drink. It is highly recommended using green vegetables to juice because of their high nutritional value. You can always cut calories to lose weight, but you may also cut valuable nutrients from your diet. Juicing will help you in lowering your calorie intake without sacrificing the nutrition your body needs.

Bottom line, does juicing help you lose weight? It can, but it ultimately depends on a persons willingness to stick to a diet and exercise program. Juicing is a great tool to use to help you lose the weight you want.

Source by Donald Hylton


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