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Drinking More Water Can Help Dry Red Eyes


Water is important to every day living. That is why doctors always tell us to drink six to eight glasses of water each day. Not only does drinking enough water help keep you hydrated, it flushes out your system and replenishes the water in the body.

Did you know that drinking enough water can also help reduce the irritation associated with dry red eyes?

It’s been proven that drinking enough fluids helps reduce the incidence and symptoms associated with dry red eyes. These include, but are not limited to, redness of the eyes, itchiness, dryness, irritation, excessive watering, and minor pain.

People who work in office buildings that circulate dry, forced air, or people who sit in front of a computer all day are more susceptible to developing dry red eyes. By taking frequent breaks from the computer and drinking enough fluids throughout the day, you can sharply reduce your risk for developing this common eye condition.

Most eye doctors recommend drinking six to eight glasses of fluids a day (not soda), and taking breaks from the computer screen every 20 minutes or so. When you are staring straight at the computer for lengthy periods of time, it tends to cut down on blink response, which basically means your eyes aren’t working sufficiently to produce tears.

Drinking water is not only a great way to fend off dry red eyes; it also helps keep your body healthy. Of course, if your symptoms don’t go away simply by drinking enough water, there are other alternatives as well.

Artificial tears are a mainstay in treating a host of eye conditions, but most people are confused about the best ones to use.

To learn more about the right kind of artificial tears, check out my free guide, Dry Eye Relief Doesn’t Come in a Bottle. This informative e-guide will help you find the right kind of artificial tear treatment for you, without the hassle of having to figure it out on your own.

Source by Dr Jeffrey Lewis


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