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Why Natural Herbal Or Homeopathic Remedies For Better Health?


Natural herbal remedies for better health is something most people have at least some interest. After all, who wouldn’t want to lead a healthier life free from many of the common ailments and conditions that plague society as a whole simply by taking a pill or liquid formula made from plant extracts or other natural ingredients.

You are probably asking yourself if natural remedies for better health are so good why don’t I hear more about them?

I can tell you that over ten years ago when my days in the natural health industry really began I was asking the same question, but not long after my arrival it became apparent that there were a lot of people doing their best to make sure natural herbal remedies were no more than a side note in medical journals.

But despite aggressive campaigns to marginalize natural remedies their popularity continued to grow, and continues to grow to this day. The main reason is they produce few if any side effects and are very effective when used as part of a comprehensive, well thought out plan!

The basic approach to all naturopathic medicines is to do no harm combined with, in natural health speak, a full spectrum approach. A full spectrum approach takes into account a person’s mental and physical needs and then utilizes all natural solutions to help the body cure the specific ailment or ailments from which it is suffering.

One of the more popular natural healthy approaches is homeopathy, which takes tiny amounts of diluted ingredients specially formulated to trigger a response. This approach seems to be particularly effective when applied to mental disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and anxiety.

Let’s take a moment to look at one recent ADHD study to support our premise.

A recent two month study involving ADHD children produced these results: 57% of the children continued to improve despite discontinuing use; 24% relapsed by the time of the follow up; and 19% continued to show improvement but require continuing homeopathic support. An overall success rate of 79% is considered very effective for any medication whether it be natural, prescription, or over the counter.

Are natural herbal and homeopathic supplements for everyone?

Certainly not! Even plant based remedies can interact with certain prescription medications. Before considering a natural alternative it is always a good idea to consult your doctor. They also don’t perform very well if you aren’t willing to do your part. For instance, if you were taking a natural herbal remedy for cholesterol and sat on the couch all day eating butted popcorn and smoking cigarettes you would not see any benefit. On the other hand you wouldn’t see much, if any, benefit from convention prescription medications either, and would be putting yourself at risk for a number of serious side effects along the way.

In summary, under the right set of circumstances natural herbal remedies for better health can be quite effective when used in conjunction with smart lifestyle choices. If you are considering a natural approach the best advice anyone can give you, once you get your doctors okay, is to monitor your results closely by keeping detailed log. If you fail to see results it is time to make a change. The bottom line, whether you are using prescription medications or natural herbal remedies for better health, only three things matter: safety, effectiveness, and side effects encountered. In fact, these three criteria are an excellent benchmark to apply to any product you are consuming to improve health and/or quality of life.

If you would like to learn more about natural herbal and homeopathic remedies for better health Click Here.

Source by Robert D Hawkins

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