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Top Five Herbs For Digestion


Digestive problems can disrupt your life, and make eating a dreadful event; these problems can range from heartburn, to upset stomach to gas, bloating and diarrhea. All too often doctors are quick to prescribe a chemical based drug to reduce the amount of acid in the stomach. However, sometimes these drugs can actually aggravate digestive problems rather than alleviate them. Doctors agree that the majority of stomach issues are likely caused by a group of problems rather than just one thing.

Long ago roots and other such herbs were chosen as spices for food because if their amazing digestive properties. Now day’s digestive problems are so wide spread because of our obsessive need to eat processed foods that lack these ever so important nutrients. The truly great thing is supplementing your diet with these herbs daily has proven effective at alleviating most of the common digestive issues we face as a modern society. In this article I will talk about the top five herbs for digestion, and which condition they are most helpful in treating.


The first herb on the list is Ginger. Ginger is an all around super herb that has been documented as effective in some of the earliest medicinal writings. Among other things Ginger possess amazing digestive health properties, and has been used as prevention and treatment for these digestive problems for centuries. Now days Ginger is most often used to treat conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome… this includes relieving symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, bloating, gas, diarrhea, and constipation.


The second herb is Fennel. Fennel is also a great spice that has been used for centuries for its ability to control and prevent stomach upset. Fennel can actually alleviate symptoms such as heartburn, bloating, cramping, and other general digestive issues. Some women place this herb in a tea and use it for relieving morning sickness, and yet others use it as a stomach calming agent after treatments such as chemo and radiation.


Aloe, like Ginger, is one of those all around amazing herbs that should be on your daily list of herbal supplements. But, if you have digestion problem you should definitely make aloe one of those can’t live without herbs. Aloe naturally contains essential amino acids, enzymes, and vitamin C; the really amazing thing is how it naturally soothes the stomach.


Coming in at number four is Gentian. Gentian is a lesser known herb, but being lesser known does not make it any less effective. Gentian root has been used for centuries to support digestive functions. It works so well because of its bitterness, gentian root is one of the bitterest agents there is. The bitterness stimulates digestive juices and there by supporting the digestive system naturally; preventing stomach upset and digestive woes.


Last but certainly not least is peppermint. Peppermint is a glorious herb that has many potential benefits, and supporting digestion is one of them. The great thing with peppermint is there are so many ways to get your recommended dosage daily. As far as digestion, peppermint is linked to alleviating symptoms commonly associated with irritable bowl syndrome such as gas, bloating, cramping, constipation, diarrhea, and nausea.

The greater majority of herbs on this top 5 list have so many other potential health benefits that taking one of them for digestive issues will improve your health greatly, as well as getting rid of your unwanted digestive problems. Taking expensive prescriptive medicine is not always the best answer to all medical conditions, but seeking out the advantages of herbal medicine is a wonderful and less expensive way of taking care of yourself. Remember when you take an herbal medicine you are treating your whole body not just one symptom.

Source by Brandy S. Widner

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