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Natural Remedies – Viruses – Naturally Fight Back


Colds and flu are the bane of our existence! The average person gets 2 to 4 viruses per year that give you 8 to 10 days of misery. If you are a parent, and your child gets sick and can’t go to school or daycare, you have to take off work and in this economy none of us can afford that.

Everyone will get exposed to viruses, that is a fact, but a few viruses won’t make you ill. It is when a virus sets up housekeeping and multiplies in your system that you get sick.

The secret I want to share is to keep the viruses from making you sick and that is “white blood cells’ lots and lots of white blood cells.

The white blood cells are the “killer” cells in your body. They will attack the viruses before the virus can multiply.

So now you are probably wondering and just how do I do this. Doesn’t my body make these white blood cells automatically? Well yes, but you can help your body make more of them by the foods you eat.

Yes it really is as simple as eating right. There is a compound in fresh fruits and vegetables that will stimulate the immune system to release the specialized cells that seize and destroy viruses. A regular diet of 3 to 5 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables a day will keep your immune system in tiptop condition.

It is important that the fruits and vegetables are as fresh as possible. That means either buying fresh or frozen. When companies can fruits and vegetables there are a lot of additives put in to make them last longer that break down the properties you need from the food.

Some of the best vegetables for you to eat are:

· Avocados

· Asparagus

· Winter Squash

· Okra

· Tomatoes

· Potatoes

· Cauliflower

· Broccoli

And some of the best fruits are:

· Watermelon

· Grapefruit

· Oranges

· Cantaloupe

· Strawberries

· Peaches

Vitamins by Vitamin Agent are also very important and some of them work the same way the foods do by boosting the white blood cells.

Vitamin C with rose hips strengthens your infection fighting power. It is very important that your C has Rose Hips. The bioflavonoids in the Rose Hips strengthen the C’s powers. So look on the label for the words “with Rose Hips”. Everyone should take 500 milligrams of this combination every day that you are healthy.

Zinc is probably the most important for keeping your immunity strong as it stimulates the growth of white blood cells. You need to have 10 milligrams a day. Zinc is best when you get it from the foods you eat. But since it is hard to get children to eat the correct things or enough of them, just make sure the vitamin they take every day has zinc in it, not all do. Just remember that you only need 10 milligrams, zinc is one of those things that too much is not good for you either.

Some foods that will give you the zinc you need:

· 1 cup of lima beans gives you 3.6 milligrams

· 1 cup of peas gives you 1.08 milligrams

· 1 large egg will give you.55 milligrams

· A 3 oz serving of Turkey has 3.5 milligrams

· 3 oz. of Beef has 5.8 milligrams

· 100 grams of beef liver has 5.24 milligrams

· Raw pecans and almonds each have a little over 1 milligram in an ounce

So can you see how to get to 10 milligrams? It is really quite easy to eat your zinc every day. These are not the only foods with zinc. And there are fortified foods also such as cereals. Become a label reader.

Now if you do get some symptoms…

You should have a “virus kit” in your home. This will consist of the supplements vitamin A, beta carotene, Echinacea, Goldenseal, Chamomile Tea and cayenne pepper.

Antibiotics will stop bacteria, but they won’t even touch a virus.

At the first sign of symptoms you should…

· up your vitamin C with Rose Hips to 500 mg. 4 x a day

· Take 60 milligrams of Vitamin A for 3 days, then 15 milligrams for a week

· Take 60 milligrams of Beta Carotene for 10 days then 30 milligrams for a week. (I call taking the high dose of A and Beta Carotene the “A Blast”)

· Take 400 milligrams each of Echinacea and Goldenseal 4 x a day until the symptoms are gone, then 400 milligrams per day for 7 days. you can sometimes find this together as a supplement instead of buying each separately. These herbs will forcefully stimulate the growth of the killer or white blood cells for a rescue operation!

· Drink Chamomile tea 5 cups a day. This raises the polyhenols which are associated with anti-bacteria activity.

· Make some Chicken Noodle Soup, homemade is best with Carrots, Celery, Onions, Garlic and the most important ingredient Cayenne Pepper. Cayenne Pepper contains capsaicin which is very similar to what is in over-the-counter medications for clearing congestion. So use all you can stand. Of course it is perfectly acceptable to start with canned soup and add the extra ingredients. (Or read the label and see what is in them – Progresso has most of these ingredients.

· If you are congested – put ¼ teaspoon of cayenne pepper in about a ¼ cup of water and drink it. It will help to clear you up.

Source by Sue Gross


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