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Heart Healthy Diet Superfoods


Heart disease kills thousands of people around the world each year. Even though we realise that eating healthy foods that are nutrient dense can reduce the risk, we may no know which foods are the best to battle this widespread disease. Here is a list of heart healthy diet superfoods to help anyone.

Put simply, eating more fibre dense foods and choosing foods that contain unsaturated fats, will help greatly. Soluble fibre found in wholegrain, legumes, fruits and vegetables help cleanse your system and decrease your bad cholesterol. Where as essential fatty acids found in unsaturated fats like olive oil can help reduce fat producing triglycerides.

Increase Wholegrain intake

Wholegrain foods and products such as barley, oats, breads, rice and pasta are rich in soluble fibre, excellent for preventing constipation, and increased circulation. They also contain good amounts of protein, iron and minerals for more muscle strength. Opting for oatmeal, wholegrain cereals, pasta and rice will provide you with longer lasting energy and make you feel fuller longer.

Beans have been known as a superfood for a long time know. They provide you with energy and are high in fibre and have no fat or cholesterol. Add them frequently to salads, and hot dishes for extra taste and texture.

Feel Fishy!

Fish rich in omega 3 fatty acids such as Sardines, salmons, mackerel are all great sources of heart protecting unsaturated fats. Grill them or ad canned versions to salads or sandwiches, as a healthy alternative to meat. Oily fish also contain calcium, niacin and selenium which is an antioxidant that help protect the body from cancer.

Nuts, seeds and olives and oils (olive, canola, sunflower, flaxseed) are also an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acid. Grab a handful as a snack or add a tablespoon to a healthy salad for extra flavour and crunch.

Regardless of your goals with your body always look to choosing a diet high in healthy heart superfoods.

Source by Roger Ruzzier


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