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Feminization – Hypnotic, Herbal, Hormonal, Surgical And More


Feminization, once a taboo subject of discussion, has become more mainstream during the past years. With the growing, both in numbers and in prominence, of the transgender community and the widespread acceptance of the fact that many men have a feminine side which they want to nurture and develop, so have the avenues of feminization developed. These avenues provide alternate forms of self-fulfillment.

To decide which feminization method is the one to pursue, you should look deep into yourself and see what is the nature of the feminization which you seek.

Here are the 4 kinds of feminization which is available to you:

1. Hypnotic Feminization – Feminization hypnosis has become quite popular as it is an avenue to connect to feminine feelings and experiences which doesn’t involve actual physical changes. Yet do not think lightly of this option. Hypnotic Feminization can be a powerful tool to becoming more feminine both in feelings and appearance as it can program your psyche to believe it is actually female. With Hypnotic Feminization, it is easy to control the level of feminization you will experience as well as the length of time in which you will be affected.

2. Herbal Feminization – Herbal Feminization involves taking nutritional supplements which contain Phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens mimic the female hormone, estrogen, and initiates feminization processes in your body. Herbal Feminization supplements are usually intended to induce breast growth, male or female, so they provide a great tool to develop more feminine breasts.

3. Hormonal Feminization – Hormonal Feminization involves altering the hormonal makeup of your body by causing your body to produce estrogen and to lower the production of the male hormones. When you do this, a full body feminization process will begin. Some of the changes which will happen may include: increased breast size, feminine body odor, reduced body hair, a more feminine figure and more. Hormonal feminization should only be pursued if you are serious on becoming more completely feminine.

4. Surgical Feminization – Surgical Feminization can take on a number of forms, from facial surgery through male breast enhancement surgery to full sexual transformation surgery. This is the most extreme form of feminization and is also highly expensive.

As you see, you have many alternatives open to you to fulfill your dreams. I wish you success and self-fulfillment.

Source by Jasmine Dawkins

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