Learning how to treat ear infections naturally may be a changing point in your life. Normally when someone goes looking for natural treatments it’s because they have had little success with drug treatment. Sometimes, it’s because they know that the side effects of drug treatments are often worse than the problem being treated.
Once you have had a few successes with natural treatments, you gain your confidence and start wanting to do more.
Ear infections can be a problem with anyone, but they are more of a problem in children. Children are still in the throes of creating an immune system. This can only be achieved by practice – just like riding a bicycle. You can relate the ear infection to another fall. As long as the child is encouraged to get back on the bike and to keep trying, they will eventually get the hang of it.
Just like the ear infection. Treatment needs to encourage the body towards a healthier immunity. This can only be done by natural treatments, as drugs always lowers the immune system. The analogy can be in blaming the child for falling off, so undermining their confidence. This is a sure way to prevent successful bike riding. Or a healthy adult.
Getting back to how to treat ear infections naturally, the long term solution is to ensure the child has a healthy diet (no processed food and lots of fresh fruit and vegetables). This and supporting the child emotionally will go a long way to creating a healthy adult.
The homeopathic solution lies in treating all ailments with the appropriate homeopathic medicine. Homeopathy works by quickly raising the immune system, giving the child’s vitality an enormous boost of confidence. This means the child is far more likely to be able to successfully treat the next bout better, so it will be milder.
It sounds easy, and it can be. But first, you need to know that homeopathy will only work if you have been able to match the child’s symptoms with those of the most appropriate homeopathic medicine.
Pulsatilla is a great medicine for children. The main reason for this is that children are still dependent on their parents for emotional (as well as physical) support. This is the exact match for Pulsatilla. Emotionally, Pulsatilla types are timid and easily influenced, weepy with a great desire for comforting.
This is the strongest part of the symptoms you want to see for a good match.
Other symptoms of Pulsatilla include:
- ear pain which is worse in the evening or at night
- ear pain which is worse for warmth or warm applications
- ear pain is pulsating in character
- ear discharges, or glue ear
- diminished hearing with ear infections (otitis media), feels stuffed up

Source by Madeleine Innocent