While yeast infections are considered rather a commonplace health issue, there is no doubt that the symptoms are irritating and uncomfortable. They can often affect your lifestyle negatively and cause you inconvenience. While many people understand a few causes, there are quite a few situations that can trigger its onset, such as taking antibiotics and high blood sugar levels. Very often it is difficult to identify whether you have a yeast infection or not. Knowing the kinds of symptoms help you determine this.
Oral Candidiasis, otherwise known as Oral thrush, is one of the more visible yeast infection symptoms because it appears on the mouth. It commonly manifests through thick, white or yellow colored lumpy sponges on the sides of the mouth or on the tongue. They are uncomfortable and can cause bleeding when touched.
One of the most common yeast infection symptoms are rashes on the genitals. For men, the more common symptoms are itching and irritation on the penis accompanied by red patchy sores and sometimes discharge. For women, symptoms include soreness and itching or swelling of the labia, also a whitish and thick discharge from the vagina. The discharge often has a strong, unpleasant smell like yeast. For women, symptoms of bacterial vaginosis, are similar, and can be confused often with overgrowth of yeast. Bacterial vaginosis is a condition that requires a different kind of treatment.
In a book by Dr. William Cook, he discusses alternative symptoms. He hypothesized that asthma, muscle pain, fatigue, urinary problems and sexual dysfunction are also indirect yeast infection symptoms that must be looked out for. Although his hypothesis has not undergone many scientific studies, it is better to be informed and of what your symptoms could be.
Perhaps the most dangerous kind of yeast infection symptoms is no symptoms at all. This is a sign that more severe types of symptoms are happening or will manifest much later and will of course be more difficult to treat. These can include a condition where the esophagus, upper intestine, and stomach walls are thinning. Bacteria from digestion ‘leak’ into your bloodstream and travel around the body, affecting other organs.
One should not hesitate to immediately go to the doctor and ask for ways of treatment, if one is in doubt or worried about certain manifesting symptoms. However, ridding yourself of the symptoms will not stop the yeast infection itself, which is the most important thing to do.
Over the counter treatments like the anti-fungal Nizoral, are popular prescribed treatment creams. Also, Difuclan, which is a prescribed oral pill, is reported to have a 90% success rate in treating yeast infection. Try a natural yeast infection cure without drugs and save money. One will avoid a recurring infection, and improve the body’s ability to fight yeast overgrowth in the first place.
Most importantly, one must keep on top of symptoms because they may be signs of more severe auto-immune disorders or diseases like diabetes or HIV. However, most of the time, one can be assured the symptoms are caused by a simple yeast infection that is easily cured. The important thing is to identify and treat it early.

Source by Brooks Wiley