Review Overview
Environmental Authorities Warn
Loss of Food Security and Vitamin Stability Due to Industrial Agricultural Practices
Human population growth and urbanization trends make industrial agricultural methods and monocropping (re-planting the same crop of circulating very few crops), very profitable; however, they negatively impact surrounding ecosystems and are of low quality. Sustenance agriculture is being replaced by the demand & profit of industrialized, factory methods and result in fewer traditional farms, local diversity and compartmentalize food security. Food security is affected because large supplies of a particular type of cultivation could be wiped-out by weather or disease whereas small varying cultivations suffering disease or weather tend to be able to revive many crops and supply localities quickly and readily.
Land use for resource extraction, i.e., export, also decreases subsistence agriculture supply and while reducing environmental quality.
“Land-grabs” for the purpose of increasing profits from local cultivation, local food supply to send to developed countries far away and those with fast growing middle-classes (e.g., China, India, Thailand, Brazil, etc.) have similarly negative impacts on local food security. (14)