When you get admitted in hospital in an emergency situation you will be asked about the medication you take, the allergies that you are suffering from, your medical history etc. If you have a medical card with you, it can speak volumes about your physical constitution. Medical cards are helpful when you visit a hospital, out patient clinic, pharmacy or travel abroad.
Nowadays, thousands of people are admitted in hospitals in emergency situations. At the time of admission most of them are unconscious or unable to communicate their medical history to hospital staff. As a result, the doctor may lack important information on other medical problems the patient may have, which must be taken into consideration for current treatment. Medical Cards assists health care professionals such as paramedics, pharmacists and dentists by providing them patient’s medical details in urgent situations. They ensure the immediate availability of the medication you take at the time of a medical emergency wherever you are and whatever situation you find yourself in. A medical card is made of hard wearing plastic, and it displays your medical as well as personal details such as:
- Name and Address
- Three emergency contacts with their phone numbers
- Primary Physicians names and phone numbers
- Current medication
- Medical history (including allergies)
- Blood group
- Date Issued (Card should always be kept up to date)
- GP details
It is also recommended that older people in particular should carry a medical information card, since they will be the ones most likely to take several medications. The ID cards are also useful if they are provided to young children as it is easy to locate their parents if they get lost.
This ID card is made of heavy-duty, durable plastic material with ample space to write personal information with a pen or marker. It should preferably be laminated and heat-sealed.

Source by Anitha Hari