Traditional treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (or attention deficit disorder) is often centered on prescription medications that have unwanted side effects. An alternative to this approach is to use homeopathic and herbal remedies for ADHD that have been researched and found remarkably effective.
ADHD is a disorder in which the patient is restless, impulsive, and cannot focus attention. People with ADHD often suffer from anxiety and may become stressed easily. They often cannot sit still and may talk incessantly. ADD refers to those who have the symptoms of attention deficit such as the inability to focus and concentrate but are not necessarily hyperactive.
Herbs for ADHD
Most herbs for ADHD work by calming the nervous system. There are also herbs that help increase blood flow to the brain, which can improve a person’s ability to focus. Examples of herbal remedies for ADHD include lemon balm, kava kava, Siberian ginseng, chamomile, gotu kola and ginkgo (also known as ginkgo biloba). Lemon balm is an herb of the mint family that has been used to treat anxiety and stress due to its mild sedative effect. Similarly, chamomile is a well known herb that is often used as a tea for its stress-relieving and calming effects. Kava kava is a peppery plant whose roots are traditionally used as a sedative or herbal sleep aid. The use of herbs like lemon balm, chamomile and kava kava is associated with very few side effects that not all users experience.
Herbs like Siberian ginseng, kotu kola and ginkgo are mild stimulants that can increase brain function without the usual side effects of stimulant medications. Ginkgo increases blood flow to the brain, which can aid in helping a person with ADHD to focus and concentrate for extended periods of time. Ginkgo is also touted for its ability to improve memory. Mild herbal stimulants are often used along with calming herbs in the treatment of ADHD since treating the disorder requires both the creation of a sense of calm and an increase in brain activity that enables a person with ADHD to focus attention more effectively.
Homeopathic Remedies for ADHD
In addition to using herbs for ADHD, homeopathic remedies for ADHD can help treat symptoms of both attention deficit and hyperactivity. The idea behind homeopathy is that a tiny dose of a substance that would cause an adverse condition in larger amounts can activate the body’s natural ability to heal the adverse condition. Some examples of homeopathic remedies for ADD and ADHD are hyoscyamus, arsen iod and verta alb.
Hyoscyamus is a flowering plant of the nightshade family. It was used in ancient Greece as a painkiller, and it often given as a homeopathic remedy to people who suffer from tremors, twitching and excitability. Arsen iod is a useful homeopathic remedy for ADD because it has the ability to calm the nervous system. Arsen iod is made from arsenic and iodine and was used in the 19th and 20th centuries as a treatment for tuberculosis. It is useful in treating children experiencing ADHD and who are prone to temper tantrums. It can help those who are easily overwhelmed to cope more easily with potentially frustrating situations. To learn about Verta alb, and a homeopathic formula that contains all these powerful ingredients visit now, ADHD meds without side effects.

Source by Monica Villarreal