Most men and women regard baldness as a very serious problem because it can severely deteriorate their physical appeal. Also known as androgenic alopecia, male pattern baldness develops when a particular area of the head starts losing hair. Although male pattern baldness may be suffered by both men and women, its symptoms among men are considered more severe than those among women, especially because when it occurs in men, it may lead to total baldness. Women who suffer alopecia will never completely lose their hair. Their hair may become increasingly thinner as time goes by, but it will never disappear from their head.
Hair loss is in fact a normal physical phenomenon that all people normally experience. Each day, around 70 to 100 strands of hair fall from their head. However, their head will not become bald because whenever there are strands of hair that are lost from their head, new strands of hair grow to replace those lost hair strands. Gradual baldness occurs when the number of hair strands that fall from their head exceeds the aforementioned normal range. When the number of lost hairs is not compensated by the number of newly grown hairs, the head where hair is supposed to grow will eventually become bald. Men who suffer baldness may lose all of their hair if they cannot cope with this problem effectively.
In order to overcome androgenic alopecia, there are several treatments that can be undertaken. If you want to restore your lost hair with natural ways, there are several home remedies for baldness that you can use. Among the natural remedies that have become popular are licorice root, green tea, sage tea, apple cider vinegar and horsetail. If you want to use those remedies, however, you have to be patient because they cannot provide you with instant results. If you prefer a faster way to restore your lost hair, you can use hair transplants. However, because hair transplantation is a surgical treatment, you have to be ready to spend a large amount of money for this treatment. Remember that natural remedies seldom cause unwanted side effects.
The materials for these treatments can be purchased cheaply from any nearby grocery store and can be prepared with little hassle. Therefore, they are a very safe solution for your hair loss problem. It is true that natural remedies work very slowly, but you must know that they are far cheaper than surgery. Unless you can afford hair transplants, natural remedies are the best treatments for androgenic alopecia available for you.

Source by Christian Chandra