These days there is a lot of talk about the condition and health of our environment. More and more research is being done and we are beginning to learn of the effects all of out advanced technology has on the environment. With this comes new research regarding how to improve how our technological advances affect the environment. Millions of dollars are now spent every year on developing alternative energy solutions, learning how to shrink our carbon footprint, and coming up with new ways to save the nonrenewable resources that we use so much. With any luck this research will help us to slow global warming, stop the world’s glaciers from melting so quick, and help reduce the amount of pollution in our land and waters, and reduce the hazardous chemicals floating in our air. So far this same research has come up with some pretty innovative and effective solutions to a number of our environmental problems. Here are some of the most important environmental advances made so far.
One advancement that is not necessarily new but has been improved in recent years is wind power. Wind power has been around as early as the mid 1900’s but it has only recently been developed to be used on the large scale that it can be used on today. Today whole villages can be ran on wind power with the right equipment which means a considerable reduction in nuclear pollution in the air. Wind power machines come in a number of sizes and are actually fairly inexpensive to purchase and have installed considering the savings on power. What better way to power your home than from free power produced by natural elements.
Alternative fuel production is another great advancement in progress. Certain companies are finding way to produce fuel that can be used in our homes and vehicles that are made from renewable resources such as corn, used cooking oil, and ethanol. These fuels burn much cleaner than fuels that we have traditionally used in the past and can be produced without reducing our much needed nonrenewable resources. Although these new fuels are not available on a wide range basis yet they will continue to be developed and improved and hopefully someday widely used in place of traditional fuel.
Finally, one of the most important environmental advancements made in recent years is the battery operated vehicle. These cars can be charged up and driven without leaving any pollutants behind to damage the atmosphere and are becoming more and more popular. One of the most commonly heard of vehicles of this type is the Smart Car which is currently manufactured overseas but are quickly making their way to the US. With more research hopefully these cars will be able to go longer distances on a charge and become the newest form of transportation.
Our planet may not be in the greatest health today due to how we have treated the planet in the past but as long as we continue to search for advancements we could see a turn around and actually improve its health.

Source by Matt Hosty