The first time you have a panic attack, you should take that experience with you and learn how to prevent it from occurring again.
People experiencing a panic attack often go to the emergency room because they think they may be suffering a stroke or heart attack, because the symptoms are alike and happen quickly. Symptoms like nausea, itchiness, vertigo, trembling, hyperventilation, extreme nervousness and anxiety and a very rapid heart beat can happen to you if you’re having a panic attack.
When you learn that you’re having a panic attack and the know the difference
between that and being actually ill, you can be in command and be able stop further panic attacks from happening. This is absolutely crucial as a panic attack can literally freeze you!
Physical and psychological issues are usually behind the occurrence of panic attacks, although women have more of a tendency to suffer from them.
Past memories, childhood traumas and also allergies and sensitivities to food and drink are all factors that can induce a panic attack when you least expect.
Panic attacks can also be a result of not only drug and alcohol ingestion, or very upsetting experiences but also everyday events that trigger a memory and drive you to a state of panic.
“Situational avoidance” is a common consequence of having a panic disorder… You feel you have to stay away from every place and circumstance where you had an attack in the past. Some people reach extremes and stop leaving their houses, which is very damaging and limits the chance of having a normal life.
Caffeine, soda, tea and chocolates are all things panic suffers shouldn’t consume. However, the following natural treatments are used by people who suffer panic attacks to reduce the damage and its effects:
Breathing Deeply
Probably, one of the most excellent ways of soothing a panic attack is by breathing slow and deeply avoiding cases of hyperventilation. The fact that you’re not hyperventilating means you probably won’t experience dizziness and light-headedness, which happen when the brain gets overly filled with oxygen in a short amount of time.
Physical Activity
There are people who combat panic attacks with physical activity and exercise. The exercise can drain the adrenaline rush that is usually tied together with a panic attack, but the truth is that some people find physical activity to be detrimental and may lead you to even having a panic attack, so you should definitely chose what will make you feel the most comfortable.
Aroma therapy
Aroma therapy can be very useful if you’re dealing with panic attacks; certain scents can really help you calm down. There are people who prefer to use candles and essential oils to sooth them, but some prefer those smells who take them back to a happy place in the past like a specific, flower, baby powder, freshly painted walls, and many more…
Simple forms of meditation like putting some smooth, soft music and staying focused solely on positive thoughts can help you calm down if you’re experiencing a panic attack. Counting backwards from one to hundred is also used as a relaxation technique, but keep in mind that different techniques work for different people so you should find out which one will really help you relax.
The natural treatments mentioned above are very good ways to ease a panic attack but you should go to the root of your problem and cure them once and for all so these panic disorders don’t stop you from living your normal life.

Source by Rhia Taylor