If you have been working out for some time now and are not seeing results, you may need to tweak your diet and training program. To get more muscle mass requires changing the way you have been doing things up to now. This article will provide you with simple tips to kick start your routine and add more size and muscle.
Eat More
I am stating the obvious. If you are not eating enough calories how do you expect to gain size and muscle mass? Consuming more calories does however mean, eating clean. Clean foods that are low in saturated fats, good carbohydrates with low GI levels and high protein foods. If you are eating 5-6 small meals per day, each meal consisting of approximately 60 grams of carbohydrates and 35-40 grams of protein added with a small serving of monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats is sufficient to produce results.
When you need to eat more frequently to build muscle, the chances are you will start to consume whey protein supplements. Protein supplements come in a variety of brands, so choosing the best one for your nutritional needs is important. When considering any protein supplement it is important to review it based on taste, how easy it is to mix, choice of flavors, quality of protein as well as price.
Optimum whey protein reviews highly on the factors mentioned and will help you gain muscle mass.
Compound exercise
Increase more compound exercise during your session at the gym. So for example, start doing more dead lifts, barbell bench press, barbell squats, and standing bicep curls. There are a variety of compound movements, just search on line and you will get a list of compound movements for building muscle mass. Isolation exercises such as cross over cables, will not help you gain muscle mass in the chest area instead more definition.
Creatine and Water
Creatine will help increase the intensity of your workouts and add muscle size and strength. The key thing to remember is to cycle the creatine supplement for 1 month on and 21 days off to experience it’s full effect. Drinking plenty of water will keep you hydrated and aid in increasing your metabolism.
Stretch the muscles during and after your workouts. This helps expand the muscle tissue, therefore muscle size and helps prevents injury.

Source by Andrew Tomas