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The length of your performance, the quality of your sexual
technique and even the strength and reliability of your
erections are all, to some degree or another, controlled by
the foods you eat on a daily basis. I know – that’s a bold
statement. But think of the relationship between your food
and your sexual performance like the fuel used by your car.
Put the wrong type of gas in, and – if you’re lucky – you’ll
just about splutter a few feet, for a few seconds.
Eat the wrong foods and your sexual performance will be
similarly impacted: you’ll conk out sooner and generally
perform more poorly than if you were eating the best things,
most of the time.
Okay, the question’s been posed: What can you eat to boost
your sexual prowess?
And how can the foods you consume improve your ability to
put in, time and time again, a powerful and multi-orgasmic
sexual performance – for you and the woman you’re with?
First on the menu: Sexual Super-foods.
Sexual super-foods are the absolute best things you can eat
to help you out in the bedroom, because they contain
chemicals, fibres and vitamins that are all suited to
boosting and improving your body in relation to love-making.
There are 7 different sexual super-foods, each containing a
different selection of natural ingredients and therefore
each targeting different areas of sexual skill. I’m going to
tell you about one of them right now.
The blueberry is a sexual super-food often referred to as
‘nature’s little blue pill’ because of its remarkable
similarities to the wonder drug ‘Viagra’. However, unlike
‘Viagra’, blueberries are cheap, readily available and able
to be consumed in bulk!
The beauty of blueberries in regards to maximising your
sexual ability lies in what they contain.
Firstly, they’re loaded with soluble fibre, which helps push
excess cholesterol through your digestive system before it
can be broken down, absorbed and deposited in your arteries.
They’re also packed with compounds that help relax your
blood vessels and improve circulation throughout your body.
The benefit of lower cholesterol and improved blood flow is
more blood to your penis during sex and firmer erections as
you get older. To harness the powers of this sexual super-
food – which include stronger, longer lasting erections –
pop a handful of blueberries into a fruit smoothie a couple
of times a week.
Next on the menu: General nutrition and Health.
To most people, eating the right foods at the right times is
a boring, fairly unfulfilling prospect. I mean, we all know
of the overall health benefits of eating right, but we don’t
generally care very much about sticking to strict diets –
especially considering the time and effort usually involved
in doing so. But if most men knew about how much their
sexual ability and performance would improve if they simply
improved their diets a little and upped their exercise just
slightly, they’d be amazed.
It breaks down like this. Eating healthily improves your
cardio-vascular fitness (your stamina) and helps maintain
high levels of energy – both vital components of any
impressive, lengthy sexual performance.
A secondary product of eating well, which stems from your
high levels of energy and endurance, is a positive mental
attitude – in essence, feeling happy and stress-free. These
kinds of feelings come about naturally when you eat well
because your body is chemically balanced and has high stores
of useable energy.
You don’t need to go crazy when it comes to improving your
diet to notice a big improvement in your sexual ability. A
great place to start is by always, always eating breakfast.
But not just any breakfast. Eating cereal that is high in
thiamine and riboflavin (check the label) helps your body
store energy efficiently – which will come in really handy
when you get down and dirty later in the day!
Also, eat breads and cereals with lots of niacin in them
(again, check the nutritional fact labels). Niacin is a
vitamin that’s essential for the secretion of histamine.
Your body needs histamine in order to control and trigger
explosive orgasms!
Lastly, always get that minimum of 5 portions of fruit and
vegetables in a day. You’ll really notice the difference
eating them makes, in and out of the bedroom.
Okay, so there you have it. A good general diet can be used
as a base, which gives you the fundamental levels of energy,
fibre and vitamins needed to perform well in bed. Then, the
7 sexual super-foods can be eaten to naturally boost
specific chemical levels in your body and thereby further
improve your body’s sexual capabilities. You’ve learnt about
one of those 7 sexual super-foods already.
The bottom-line? Eat better, perform better!

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