“How many grams of protein should I eat” depends on what you are trying to accomplish. Protein benefits you in several different ways. It assists in burning fat, losing weight, and building muscle. In order for your body to function properly, you must take in minimum amounts during the day anyway. But if you want to improve your overall health and appearance, ramping up your protein intake will work wonders.
As far as weight loss and the reduction of fat, protein is very filling. Even small amounts of protein will reduce your cravings for snacks. And when you eat protein, it keeps you fuller longer than a sugary snack filled with wasted calories. Also, your body will take the protein you ingest and turn it into energy. With this burst of long-lasting energy, you will be able to do more, more activities, and work out longer, thus burning more calories and fat.
And as fat as your muscles, protein is critical in the daily maintenance and growth of your muscles. But the question, “How many grams of protein should I eat” can only be addressed by asking “What are your goals?” If you are an average Joe, lifting weights, trying to pack on a little or firm up what you’ve got, you will need to ingest one gram of protein for every pound of body weight. So if you weigh 180 pounds, 180 pounds divided by six, which is how many times a day you should take in protein, comes out to 30. That is 30 grams of protein that you should take in six times a day. By spacing it out over six times, you will ensure that your body is using the protein all day long, helping build muscle.
A professional bodybuilder will take in, at times, twice that amount. Their intake of protein can equal half of their calories. But for a person who lifts fairly hard three to five times a week, the one gram per body weight rule is plenty. Any more than that, chances are your body would just flush most of it out, wasting your money. Also, extreme amounts of protein are hard for your body to handle, mainly your kidneys. So stick to the one gram per pound of body weight.
As far as the question “How many grams of protein should I eat on the days I don’t lift,” the answer is, according to many experts, half of what you take on the days you do lift. By taking in half, that will ensure that you get enough to maintain the muscles you have without ingesting protein that is wasted on your off days. Also, by taking in only half, you will not be ingesting wasted calories by taking larger amounts of protein that you do not really need.
If you are not an aggressive weight lifter and are only interested in the overall health benefits of protein, your daily intake drops quite a bit. In order to maintain the muscle you currently have, regardless of your gender, you will only have to take in about one half gram of protein per pound of body weight. This will probably be met by eating a well balanced meal. It is very important, though, as you get older, to make sure that you are taking in at least this minimal amount. If you do not, your muscles will suffer from atrophy, which is shrinkage. Also, if you don not take in at least this smaller amount of protein, your body will break down your muscles to use as fuel. In other words, your body will actually eat your muscles.
For an aggressive weight lifter, you will probably need to use supplements or powder to meet the one gram per pound standard. But be sure to watch the fat content. Try to limit the number of meal replacement bars and protein bars you eat. They are loaded with fat and sugar. And, yes, they are delicious, almost like eating a candy bar, but try to fight the urge.
And when choosing foods for your protein needs, try to select foods that are low in fat. Beef is high in protein by is also very high in fat. Instead, stick with chicken breast, turkey, or fish. Other good sources of protein include nuts, whole grains, beans, cheese, peanut butter, and yogurt. I hope this short article was able to your answer question, how many grams of protein should I eat. Good luck.

Source by Nick Robertson