I don’t know if this is going to work for everybody, but this article is going to explain, step by step, how I cured my slow bowel syndrome. This isn’t something that I got from a book or a doctor. It came from lots of research and understanding what slow bowel syndrome is. Hopefully, these techniques will work for you as well.
Slow bowel syndrome is when the contractions of the muscles in the colon pass the stool too slowly through the colon, usually caused by the colon absorbing too much water from the foods we eat. The way I battled and conquered this problem is with a combination of things, none of which required me to take any drugs of any kind or even fiber supplements.
The first thing I did, and probably the most important, was to exercise more often. I was living a life behind a desk and I slowly began to realize that it was killing me. So now, I run at least 2 miles everyday at a rate of around 3 to 4 miles per hour, which is a decent speed. By exercising regularly, you keep the muscles in the colon active. Most times just after running alone, I am in the bathroom.
The next thing I did was radically change my diet. You don’t have to eat a super high fiber diet. I get about 20 grams of fiber a day, which is very easy to do, and that’s more than enough combined with the exercise. A simple way to get 20 grams of fiber a day is to have a high fiber cereal in the morning, about 8 grams or so; a lunch containing whole wheat or whole grain bread, about 4 grams or so; a few high fiber snacks during the day or night, about 2 grams each; and a few more grams at dinner and you’re done. Trust me, it’s not hard to do. The key is to not eat big meals so that you can have several snacks during the day. Raisins, or even oatmeal cookies, both about 2 grams per serving, are excellent and tasty sources of fiber.
Finally, and you don’t have to drink a ton of it, water. I only drink 5 glasses day; one with each meal and one with each snack.
Since I radically changed my diet and exercise routine, I don’t even know what slow bowel is anymore. Whatever you do, stay away from laxatives. They only make the problem worse because they make it so that your colon becomes dependent on them.
By following these few simple tips, your slow bowel should be a thing of the past before you know it.
To YOUR Health,
Steve Wagner

Source by S. Wagner