With the shift towards natural remedies becoming increasingly popular, many ask if there are herbal remedies for stress. Stress occurring from home, work, children or everyday responsibilities will cause issues in the body. By seeking natural herbal anxiety remedies, there is the possibility that addictive pharmaceuticals can be avoided.
One of the most effective of all of the herbal anxiety remedies is kava. Although it appears to be effective, it is necessary to be cautious before beginning this course of treatment. Consult with your physician before taking kava. People with any type of liver disease should not take kava. Warnings have been issued by the FDA as to its use. There are countries that have banned the sale of kava due to reports of liver damage. Studies are being done to assess the degree of side effects.
Passionflower is also on the list for possible stress relief remedies. This climbing vine is used in its entirety to make up the supplement. It has been recommended as one of the potential herbal anxiety remedies, but there have not been enough studies done to verify its effectiveness. Research has been very limited as well as studies that have been done to try and confirm its effectiveness. It has also been known to relieve insomnia and nervousness.
Valerian has also been recommended as one of the potential herbal anxiety remedies. This particular herb has been in use as far back as medieval times when it was used as a condiment. It has been prepared in a tea to treat unruly children, as an aid in menstrual cramps and in the treatment of insomnia. Its effectiveness varies from patient to patient as far as all of these issues are concerned.
Today it is recommended for insomnia. By allowing the body to relax, it is felt that a person can fall into a restful sleep with its use. It does take several weeks for its effectiveness to be fully realized. As a stress reliever it relaxes the individual. It can be prepared as a tea or as a dietary supplement in capsule form. The reason for the actions of this root in the body are still undetermined, despite numerous studies. Consult with your physician before taking it, especially if you are on other prescription medications.
Theanine is an amino acid that is found in tea plants. Although some may question the effectiveness of theanine, it has been shown to aid in relaxation and stress relief. Theanine works as an antagonist to the caffeine in tea. Its calming effects have been noted in several large studies. Calming effects seem to occur within forty minutes of consumption of the tea.
The use of herbal anxiety remedies to relieve anxiety and stress have been noted for centuries. The use of any herbal remedies should be monitored closely by your health care provider. This wide ranged use is becoming increasingly popular with the use of holistic practitioners to treat our medical and emotional problems. By treating the root of the problem, holistic medicine has proven to be very effective.

Source by Erika Finks