Lovely salads to cheer your appetite!
Real warm days are coming soon. It is time for salad!
Can you imagine sitting in a nice cooling garden, having something watering cool and delicious? How wonderful!
Here comes a lovely bowl of salad topping with a giant strawberry and wonderful almond flakes!
Sir and madam, placing your orders? Try some new salads?
Here we go…
Salad Dressing
3 eggs
250 ml vinegar (diluted with 60 ml of water)
1 tablespoonful water (cold )
1/2 teaspoon mustard
1 teaspoon cornstarch
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon butter
1/4 teaspoon cayenne
olive oil
a. Beat the eggs, and add a spoonful of cold water.
b. Heat the vinegar.
c. Mix the mustard and cornstarch.
c. Stir this mixture into the vinegar, till it thicken.
d. Add sugar and salt.
e. Remove from fire, beat in the eggs, butter and cayenne.
f. Whip to a cream, thin with olive oil when ready to use.
Strawberry Salad
Ingredients A
a. Wash and soak the vegetables in a bowl of lukewarm water for 15 minutes.
b. Drain, peel the leaves one by one carefully, and set aside.
Note: Witloof is known as witlof in Dutch, French endive or Belgian endive. he leaves are in white and yellow. After peeling, the leaf looks like a mini boat, therefore it makes a great presentation.
Ingredients B
Almond flakes or walnuts (optional)
a. Wash and cut the strawberries into cubes or slices or leave some in whole.
b. Cut the ham into little cubes.
c. Place the strawberries and ham in the boat, and add your dressing, when desired.
Decorating ideas:
a. You may top the salad with vanilla ice cream and almond flakes.
b. You may use 2 leaves together. One as an cover instead.
c. You may cut the witloof into thin strips and present it in different way.
Try something new today, and have a wonderful afternoon snack with your
family and friends!

Source by Chang Joan